The Role of the United Nations Flashcards
Which document outlines the rights and obligations of the UN members?
The UN Charter - similar to a constitution
State some roles of the UN as stated in the UN Charter.
- Maintain international peacea nd security
- Promote respect for human rights
- Co-operate in solving international economic, social, cultural, abd humanitarian nature
- Develop friendly relations between nations
What are the principles that the UN is abide to act in accordance with?
- The soverign equality of its members
- The peacful settlement of international disputes
- Refraining from the threat or use of force against any nation
- Non-intervention in matters within domestic jurisdiction of any nation
Name the 6 UN Separate Bodies.
- General Assembly
- Secretariat
- International Court of Justice
- Security Council
- Economic and Social Council
- Trustee Council
How many Specialised UN Agencies are there?
Name 4 specialised UN Agencies.
- The World Health Organisation
- United Nations Children’s Fund
- Amnesty International
- UN High Commission for Refugees
Explain the role of General Assembly.
Explain the role of Secretariat.
Explain the role of International Court of Justice (IJU).
Explain the role of Security Council.
Explain the role of Economic and Social Council.
Explain the role of the Trustee Council.
Explain the role of WHO.
Explain the role of United Nations Children’s Fund.
Explain the role of the Amnesty International.
Explain the role of UN High Commission for Refugees.