The Role of the Sacraments Flashcards
What is absolution?
The pardoning of sins through the words and actions of a priest or minister.
What is believers’ baptism?
Baptism restricted to only those who understand the concept of it and its meaning.
What is a chalice?
A large cup used for holy communion wine.
What is chrism?
Oil used for baptism and confirmation.
What is a consecrated host?
A communion wafer that has been blessed.
What is total immersion?
Baptising by dipping the whole body in the water.
What is transubstantiation?
The belief that during mass, the bread and wine will turn into the body and blood of Christ.
How many sacraments are there for Orthodox and Catholic christians?
How many sacraments are there for protestants?
What are the 7 sacraments?
Anointing the sick
Holy order
Holy Communion
What do Christians receive through the sacraments?
Grace from God which makes their faith stronger.
SOWAA supporting only 2 sacraments?
‘baptism and eucharist are the only sacraments established by Jesus’
4 Reasons why baptism is essential?
-Necessary to receive salvation.
-Makes the person a member of the church.
-Washes away original sin and makes them pure.
-Allows them to receive other sacraments.
When do catholics get baptised most of time?
As babies.
What happens during catholic baptism?
The parents and godparents promise to raise the child as catholic.
The priest anoints the child with the oil of chrism and the godparents hold a lighted candle.
What is the eucharist a part of?
When is mass?
Usually every sunday.
What happens during mass?
Why is the eucharist important to Christians?
They believe that when they have the bread and wine it turns into the blood and body of Christ which joins them with Jesus in the communion.
What does mass remind christians of?
Eternal life.
It ensures they’ll have eternal life.
When is the eucharist celebrated in methodist churches?
Once a month.
What do methodists believe when they eat the bread and wine?
It won’t turn into the body and blood of Jesus but instead bring closeness and peace with Jesus.