The role of the family and Jewish home as foundational Flashcards
How is the importance of the home highlighted by the sages?
Sages referred to it as a small sanctuary
‘God will dwell in the…”
“Holy spaces we create, for they are the Temple in miniature.”
“The Jewish home is the place where children,…”
“Adolescents and even young adults receive their most important training in.”
What happens when a Jewish family moves into a new home?
The dwelling undergoes consecration and dedication. Because it is a place where people live according to the faith.
What is Chanukat habayit?
The name given to the ceremony of dedication for the new home
What is the central ritual of Chanukat habayit?
Central ritual is affixing of a mezuzah to the doorpost outside the house.
What does prophet Ezekiel suggest?
God’s presence remains with the Jewish people in the home in whichever place they find themselves.
How does the home carry out some traditions of the Temple?
- Shabbat, candles are lit which reflects the Temple menorah
- Dining table is representative of the altar
What aspects of prayer and festival takes place within the home?
- at the beginning of Shabbat, kiddush is recited over wine prior to the evening meal
What comes after meals in the home?
Grace follows meals in the form of Birkat Hamazon prayer. Eating becomes a holy event.
What happens at home for Pesach?
- Haggadah is read at the Seder
- symbolic foods are prepared which recall slavery and exodus of the Israelites
What do they do at home for the festival of Sukket?
They build a sukkah against the wall of the house to commemorate the trek of the Israelites through the desert.
What is the most significant thing that happens within the home?
Family life is sanctified. Birth of a male child, festive meal takes place the Friday night after birth.
What happens in the home following the death of a family member?
- visitors come to the house to pay respects
- this is where a minyan recites the morning and evening prayer
What do children learn in the home?
- learn from examples set by their parents
- start practising traditions and carrying out the mitzvoth.
“Teach a child how he should…”
“Live and he will remember it all his life.”
Proverbs 22
“Teach your son a trade or you…”
“Teach him to become a robber.”
What are children expected to do in return to their parents?
- honour and respect their parents
- point out in a tactful way if their parents are doing something wrong
What does Cohn-Sherbok suggest is the ideal of home life?
Domestic harmony
What does domestic harmony depend upon?
- Compromise on part of all members of the family
- observance of Jewish rituals which serve to unify the family.
What does Cohn-Sherbok suggest about the home when the family lives in accordance with God’s commandments?
The home is permeated with sanctity