The Role of the Church in the Local Community Flashcards
What is the Church referred to as?
The Church is also called ‘the body of Christ’ – it is a group of believers and followers of Jesus Christ who act as Jesus would in the world today.
What story did Jesus tell about the end of time?
Jesus told a story of the sheep and the goats, where people are sorted into two groups by God based on their actions towards others.
What does Jesus say about helping others?
He said, ‘whatever you do for the least of my brothers you are doing for me.’
How did Jesus interact with marginalized individuals?
Jesus often spent time with those marginalized by society, including a hated tax collector and a woman caught in adultery.
What is agape love?
Agape love is a charitable and selfless love that puts others first.
What do foodbanks provide?
Foodbanks provide emergency food, help, and support to people in the UK.
Why are foodbanks needed?
They are needed because of rising prices, cuts in welfare benefits, redundancy, or family breakdown.
How do foodbanks operate?
Non-perishable food is donated by churches, supermarkets, schools, and businesses. Professionals issue food vouchers to those in crisis.
What is an example of a foodbank?
One example of a foodbank is the Trussell Trust, which started in 1997 and now has 420 locations in the UK.
Who started Street Pastors and when?
Rev Les Isaac started Street Pastors in 2003 in Brixton, London.
What is the purpose of Street Pastors?
Street Pastors aim to help vulnerable people, working closely with local councils and police.
What do Street Pastors do?
They patrol the streets, relieve pressure on emergency services, prevent anti-social behaviour, and assist those in need.
What do Street Pastors wear?
They wear a blue ‘Street Pastor’ uniform.