The role of markets Flashcards
What is specialisation
The process of concentrating on a task or activity in order to become an expert on it
What is division of labour
A process whereby production is broken down into a sequence of stages
What is a market
A place where buyers and sellers meet in order to trade
What is a barter system
An economy without money
What is labour productivity
Output per worker per unit of input
What is the equation for productivity
Units of output / Units of input
Give some drawbacks of specialisation
Dull for workers
Creates reliance on certain conditions
Why is specialisation often used
Increases the amount of output
Helps tackle scarcity
Allows for trade
What is Tax
What is an indirect Tax
A tax levied on expenditure of goods and services
What is a Specific Tax
A Tax of a fixed amount imposed on purchases of a commodity
What is a direct Tax
A Tax charged directly on an individual based on income
What is an Ad Valorem tax
a Tax levied on a commodity set as a percentage of the selling price
What is the excess burden of a sales tax
the loss to society following the imposition of a sales tax
What is the polluter pays principle
An argument that a firm causing pollution should be forced to pay for the external cost on society
Why do governments tax income
To raise revenue
Why do governments tax demerit goods
To raise revenue and to decease demand
AKA internalizing the negative externality
What is hypothecation
Spending tax revenue in the area it was generated
What is the incidence of Tax
How tax is split between producers and consumers
What 2 factors affect the effectiveness of a sales tax
Size of the tax
Why is taxation a better alternative than prohibition
Taxation is a market based solution that raises government revenue
Why is taxation limited
Hard to measure negative externalities
Indirect taxes are regressive
Some taxes may be expensive or difficult to collect
What is a subsidy
A grant given by government to producers to encourage them to produce at a lower price