The Role of Education- Functionalist pt2- Talcott Parson Flashcards
What is role allocation?
Education sifts and sorts ppl into the job they have based on their abilities.
What is meritocracy?
Individuals that work hard in society will be rewarded in society and those who do not work hard will be rewarded.
ascribed status
status u are born into
involuntary acquired
gender, race, family status
achieved status
status acquire over time as a result of our own actions and efforts
what research method does this link to?
armchair theorising b/c Parsons did not carry out empirical research- he was expressing his opinion based on his functionalist beliefs
weakness of parsons theory
> myth of meritocracy- not all children have equal chances of success.
fail to recognise that the value consensus may be that of the ruling elite-marxist critique
l/c believe that the wealthy in society reached their position through hard work whereas many reached it through their ascribed status
What do Davis and Moore believe?
Role allocation
For society to function u need a system of unequal reward.
>the higher the reward = encourages individuals to it in extra effort e.g GP’s + pilots
What is the evaluation for Davis and Moore
> wealthy + powerful have an advantage
children of highly paid parents = get better qualifications + get high paid jobs themselves
social class plays a role-some ppl can access high salaries w/o good qualifications b/c of family connections (social capital)