The Role of a Premium Auditor Flashcards
What is a premium audit?
A premium audit is a review of the insured’s operations and accounting records.
What does a premium audit determine?
It determines actual exposure during an audit period for the coverages on the business policy.
What coverages are there?
May include General Liability (GL), Workers’ Compensation (WC), Garage, Auto, etc.
How are classifications assigned?
Classifications are assigned based on the operation(s) of the business.
When are estimated premiums collected?
At the beginning of the policy year.
When is the premium audit conducted and what is the purpose?
After the policy expires, it is then determined what the actual exposure is and then final premium adjustments can be made.
What is the role of the premium auditor?
- Receive assignment to conduct a premium audit for named insured(s) on a policy.
- Determine the type of audit.
- Determine the audit period dates.
- Determine the basis for each classification and the required records.
- Conduct the audit according to industry standards and manual rules, along with the insurance company’s special instructions and/or requirements.
- Conduct the audit with the insured or their representative, including a thorough interview to determine actual operations of the business.
What resources are used to complete an audit?
There are various tools and resources used such as a computer, auditing software, etc. Resources may include National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI), WC manual, Commercial GL manual, state specific manuals and Premium Audit Advisory Service (PAAS).
What is the responsibility of the premium auditor?
- Obtain accurate exposures per classification (e.g., Payroll, Sales, Cost, etc.)
- Create a factual, accurate report that serves as a legal document that can stand up in a court of law. The report is considered complete when:
> It has been written up, submitted to and passed review by the review department
> The insurance company has been billed and received the final audit
> The insurance company calculates their final premium and any necessary adjustments and calculations have been recorded in their books. - Represent the insurance company in all dealings with the insured in a professional and positive manner.
- Ensure the relationship between the insured and their agent is not damaged.