The Rise Of Hitler And The Nazi Partyπ Flashcards
What were the limits of hitlers power
Hindenburg kept presidential powers, cabinet of 12 included just 2 other nazis, only a third of the reichstag were nazis
When and what was the reichstag fire
27 February 1933, the reichtag building was engulfed by a fire it was believed to be started by a communist Dutchman marinus van der lubbe was found guilty and arrested on 9th jan 1934
βThe main reason why hitler was able to consolidate power was due to the reichstag fireβ
The statement is partially valid, as the reichstag fire authorised hitler to make political changes enabling him to consolidate his power, the reichstag fire acted as a catalyst. Speading up hitlers rise to power and ultimately making him chancellor of the german reich
How many communists were arrested on the night of the fire
When did hindenburg pass the decree for the protection of the people and the state
28 February 1933
What is the decree for the protection of the peolple and the state
A decree that permitted police powers to search homes imprison people without trial, could ban meetings and close newspapers, Goering took over state radio
What could hitler do whilst germany was in the state of emergency
Hitler could now issue decrees without consulting germanys government beforehand
What happened on the election following the reichstag fire (5 march 1933)
The Nazis gained 288 seats, in the reichtag building and then banned communists taking up 81 seats. They gained the support of the Nationalist Party (54 seats) and the Centre Party (74 seats) = 2/3 majority needed to change the constitution.
When was hitler appointed chancellor
January 1933
What is the enabling act
As Hitler had a 2/3 majority in the reichstag he had the right to make laws without the Reichstagβs approval for the next four years,
How did the enabling act help hitler gain power
It gave Hitler absolute power to make laws, which enabled him to destroy all opposition to his rule. This removed the Reichstag as a source of opposition.
When was the night of the long knives
30 June 1934
What happened on the night of long knives
Many members of the SA, including its leader Ernst Rohm were demanding that the nazi party carry out its socialist agenda and use the SA to take over the army, hitler couldnβt afford to annoy the army so the SS murdered around 400 members of the SA including Rohm along with a number of hitlers other opponents
What is socialism
an economic system in which major industries are owned by the workers, rather than by private businesses or the state
What is the SA
A paramilitary group set up by hitler in 1921 to attack political rivals its leader was ernst rohm
When was nazi party formed
20 february 1920
What is the ss
Hitlers personal body guards
How did the night of long knives help hitler gain power
It removed any internal nazi party opposition to hitler
How did hitler get away with the night of long knives
He claimed he was defending germany against a plot that was going to be led by rohm
When did hindenburg die
2nd august 1934
What did hitler do when hindenburg died
Hitler declared himself president, chancellor and head of the army. Members of the armed forces now had to swear an oath to hitler instead of germany
When did hitler become fruher and what is it
19 august 1934 meaning leader fruher is a title hitler used to define his role of ultimate authority in germanys third reich
How did the death of Hindenburg help hitlers rise to power
This formally made hitler the absolute ruler of Germany, neutralising any sources of opposition to hitler within the army
What is a plebiscite
A vote by the people of an entire country or district decide on some issue
What happened throughout 31st march 1933- jan 1934
18 state parliaments closed and eventually parliaments were abolished altogether
What happened in 1933
Hitler banned all political parties except the nazi party
When was the night of the long knives
30 June 1934 to 2 July 1934
When was rohm shot
1st july 1934
In what state was the police in during nazi occupation
A totalitarian state in which the government uses the police to control the population.
Totalitarian meaning
a form of government that attempts to assert total control over the lives of its citizens
How many members of the ss were dismissed because of racial purification
60,000 dismissed for being homosexuals, alchoholics or morally corrupt between 1933-1935
What was the gestapo
Secret State Police under nazi rule
Wat does blitzkreig mean
Lightning war