The Rise of discontent & the Declaration of Independence Flashcards
What is mercantilism?
colonies produced enough raw materials to satisfy the mother country while also making a profit for themselves.
internal tax
taxes you pay and the results benefit you.
external tax
taxes you pay but the results do not benefit you
John Locke
influenced Americans with his work “The Social Contract”
Ben Franklin
used information from John Locke’s thesis in the Bill of Rights
Sir Isaac Newton
universal law of gravitation
God created the world and was done. Opposite of the Puritan beliefs
John Locke’s Thesis
all people were created equal. We have a contract that everybody has the right to life, freedoms, etc.
Magna Carta of 1215
English Bill of Rights
a. No taxation without representation
b. No cruel or unjust punishments
c. Free speech in parliament
d. Right to petition
e. Right to bear arms
f. Right to trial by jury
King selects the members of the House of Lords and the House of Lords selects the House of Commons
Colonial Government
property owners can vote, assemblies pass laws & tax the people, all privileges of the English Bill of Rights, Right to the Judicial Process.
Triangular Trade
a system of trade between multiple areas (3) or countries; basic commodities (goods) were traded in this type of world wide trade.
Chief Pontiac
united Native Americans go on the warpath (1763-1766) as a result of the peace obtained between France & England.
kill all the colonists on the frontier
Proclamation Line of 1763
issued by King George III to protect the colonies.
George Grenville
Appointed Prime Minister by King George III. Task to raise money to pay for England’s increased debt from the wars between England & France
Virtual Representation
the people having no say in who represents them
Sugar Act
passed in 1764 to make revenue or profit to pay off debt (know the difference between an external & internal tax)
Currency Act
passed in 1764 is passed to stop colonists from printing their own money
Stamp Act crisis
1765 Grenville placed a tax on all printed or paper materials
Sons of Liberty
A terrorist group of political extremists run by Samuel Adams and John Hancock
Lord Rockingham
took over as prime minister and imposed the Declaratory Act in 1766
Declaratory Act
parliament had the right to make laws for all the colonies “in any case what so ever.”
Charles Townshend
the Chancellor of the Exchequer (like a Secretary of the Treasury), is provided a great deal of influence over the command & taxation of the colonists
William Pitt
replaces Lord Rockingham aka (Willliam Pitt the Elder)
Lord North
takes over as the new Chancellor of the Exchequer replaces The Third Duke of Grafton in 170-1782
In January of 1768 who becomes the Secretariat of the State?
Lord Hillsborough will be in charge of ALL the English colonies.
what is the Tory Party?
a political party in parliament they were loyalists (kings party)
what was the Whig party?
patriots they were the oppositional party (loyal to the colonies)
Third Duke of Grafton
Pitt’s replacement in 1768 as Prime Minister
Boston Massacre
occurs in the colonies on March 2,1770
Gaspee Incident
occurs June 9,1772 The Gaspee an English Schooner (Navy Vessel) had run aground off the coast of Rhode Island in pursuit of smugglers; that evening colonists burned it and injured the captain.
November 2,1772 Boston creates a __________(revival of the Sons of Liberty) which in turn spreads to the other colonies.
Committee of Correspondence
December 16, 1773 Lord North imposed the______ _______. Tax place on ALL ___ EXCEPT for the ____ from the East India ____ Company.
Tea Act; Tea; Tea; Tea
Coercive (Intolerable) Acts 1774
A. March 1774 Boston Port Bill becomes law
B. May 1774 Massachusetts Government Bill becomes law.
C. June 174 Quartering Act becomes law
Quartering Act
law that says all colonists must let all British soldiers stay with them at all times
June 22, 1774 The Quebec Act
becomes law which restricts colonial travel
First continental Congress formed in______________________
September of 1774 (Georgia)
Paul Revere
part of the Sons of Liberty
Battle at Lexington
(April 19, 1775) 8 colonists are killed in the exchange of gun fire
Battle of Concord
(April 20, 1775) heavy British casualties due to the colonists hide & shoot tactics; force the British to retreat back to Boston.