The rise and fall of fascism Italy (1911-1946) Flashcards
Different political factions forming a coalition government regardless of differences excluding the extremist parties making them feel isolated
Work to improve the political and economic status of the working class
Roman Question
This was the term used to describe the split between the Italian state and the Catholic Church
Universal male suffrage
The right to vote for all men over the age of 21 in 1912
Politicians (mainly liberal) who opposed the Catholic Church to have a position in the liberal state
The demand that Italy seize from Austria those lands on its North and East borders where majority of the population spoke Italian
Triple Alliance
Military Alliance between Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary
Entente Powers
An alliance of Britain, France and Russia
Agreement to cease fighting
Trade unions
Organisation, often socialists which seek to improve the pay and conditions of their members - represented several million factory and farm workers
Mutilated victory
The claim that Italy had been denied its rightful territorial gains in the peace settlement after the first World War
The violent attacks of Fascist gangs
Local Fascists leaders
Hatred for Jews
National militia
Fascists squads were converted into a national militia giving them legal status, the blackshirt militia was under control of the Fascist party
Acerbo law
A law that stated that you need 25% of the votes to gain 2/3 of the seats in Parliament
Press censorship
Newspapers are no longer permitted to criticise the government
Leggi Fascistissime
Fascist laws which banned all opposition parties and organisation
Personal Dictatorship
A regime where a single person holds total power, person is allowed to make their own laws and arrest opponents at will
Cult of the Duce
The promotion of Mussolini as the ‘supreme leader’ (Duce)
Fascist secret police
A period of economic stagnation(still) that began in the USA and affected all European industries
League of Nations (LON)
A period of economic stagnation(still) that began in the USA and affected all European industries
Battle of grain
Fascism’s attempt to make Italy self-sufficient in the production of grain and thus bread
Lateran Agreements
A treaty and deal know a concordat, which officially ended the dispute about the role of status of the Catholic Church in the Italian state
Organisation for children aged between 8 and 14 years. Through sporting activities, children were taught the beliefs and values of being a Fascist.
Vatican City
Area of Rome, which was ruled by the pope and was completely independent from the Italian state
Meaning ‘union’, referring to the annexation (seizure) of Austria by Germany, which had been prohibited by the Treaty of Versailles
An area in Czechoslovakia, bordering Germany
A direct vote in which the entire population is asked to vote on a particular
Rome-Berlin Axis (1936)
Coalition formed in 1936 between Italy and Germany. An agreement formulated by Italy’s foreign minister Galeazzo Ciano informally linking the two fascist countries was reached on October 25, 1936.
An agreement or treaty between vatican and a secular government
(The role of the trenches) The idea that the returned soldiers want more power to create a patriotic feeling to togetherness