The revolts of 1837–38 Flashcards
When was the Canada Committee’s report published which was used to study the underlying grievances in the Canadas?
What were the conclusions of the Canada Committee’s report?
It upheld the complaints of the two respective legislative assemblies but provided no means for change.
When was the Horwick Act?
What did the Horwick Act do?
Transferred revenue duties from Canadian goods to the control of local assemblies. (Britain expected in return the agreement of the Civil List, the payment of government officials)
Who organised the rebellion in Upper Canada in 1837?
William Lyon Mackenzie
From which country did William Lyon Mackenzie take inspiration regarding how the country should be run?
Where was Robert Baldwin in 1837 protesting against his removal from Upper Canada’s executive council?
From which country were immigrants seen to be of great concern for Upper Canada?
Irish immigrants
What scheme was setup to provide aid to poor immigrants in Upper Canada?
Ops Township Scheme (reformers rejected scheme due to lack of consultation, Family Compact didn’t like the idea of a changing status quo)
Who was the Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada between 1828-1835?
Sir John Colbourne
Who was the Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada between 1835-1838?
Sir Francis Bond Head
What controversy did Sir John Colbourne cause?
Used tax revenues for salaries, preparatory school (not university), and the allocation of income from clergy reserves to 44 Anglican parishes
What controversy did Sir Francis Bond Head cause?
He added and later removed moderates from the Executive Council causing the 1836 election.
What controversy did Sir Francis Bond Head cause in the 1836 elections?
He campaigned when usually Lieutenant Governors wouldn’t.
What was the result of the 1836 election?
Victory for Sir Francis Head in removing reformers from the legislative assembly.
What laws were passed as a result of the removal of reformers in the 1836 election?
Extending the session of the Legislative (expected elections after Monarch’s death won’t be carried out); no members of the legislature could be executive councillors
When did William Lyon Mackenzie begin his revolt in Upper Canada?
December 1837
How many men gathered in Toronto with the aim of attacking Family Compact property?
1,000 men (most of American origin)
When did the Upper Canada revolution march south on Yonge Street?
5 December 1837
Where did William Lyon Mackenzie flee to and declare a provisional state?
Navy Island in the Niagara River (600 joined him in the promise of 300 acres each)
When did Mackenzie flee the island?
13 January 1838 (captured by US military)
Who was the leader of the Patriot Party in Lower Canada?
Louis-Joseph Papineau
When were the 92 resolutions published by the patriotes?
February 1834
When were there cholera epidemics in Upper Canada?
1832 and 1834
When was there a financial crisis in America that affected Upper Canada?
How many men were shot by the military in Lower Canada’s 1832 election?
What was the main economic problem for Lower Canada in the years leading up to the revolt?
Payment of government officials
Who led the Commission of Inquiry in Canada in 1835?
Lord Gosford
What were the Russell Resolutions?
Resolution passed by the House of Commons (6 March 1837) relating to the political demands of Lower Canada
What did the Russell Resolutions do?
Reject the 92 Resolutions of the Patriot Party and allow the allocation of funds by the Governor without approval.
How much was supposedly owed to the British Government by Lower Canada?
£142, 160
When did the banks of Lower Canada close their doors?
18 May 1838
When was the paramilitary group Société de Fils de la Liberté formed?
September-October 1837
When did Wolfed Nelson become the new voice of the patriotes?
October 1837 (at the Six Counties meeting at St. Charles)
When did British cavalry and patriote militia exchange shots in Montreal?
10 November 1837
When did Lord Gosford issue warrants for the arrest of Patriote leaders?
16 November 1837
Where was there a surprise victory for the Patriote forces in November 1837?
St Denis
When did British General Wetherall defeat patriote forces at St. Charles?
25 November 1837
When did British General Wetherall enter Montreal with 30 prisoners from St. Charles?
29 November 1837
When was Martial law declared in Lower Canada?
5 December 1837
When were 100 patriotes shot after fleeing a burning church in St Eustache?
14 December 1837 (British later burnt houses of known patriotes)
When was Lord Gosford able to gain control of Lower Canada once again?
December 1837- January 1838
When did Lord Durham depart Canada?
November 1838
How many patriotes were in the jails in Montreal?
500 (13,000 rebels involved; 1,000 in Toronto and 1,000 in Montreal)
When was the act that suspended the 1791 Constitution of Lower Canada passed by the British?
10 February 1838
When was martial revoked by Lord Gosford in Montreal?
27 April 1838