The Rev. War Era Flashcards
French & Indian War
started to make the Colonies fight with both.
Native americans support french
because the gave them money and protection.
Ft. Necessity and GW
a needed fort for the colonists and GW started to lead the colonists.
Albany Plan
To start to break away from Britain.
Proclamation of 1763
Said that the colonies were going to war with Britain.
Taxation without representation
Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Township Act
Tea Act
Various other unpopular acts
Quartering Act
Declaratory Act
Intolerable Acts
Committees of Correspondence
Government of Patriots for the Colonies.
Boston Massacre
Britain vs angry Settlers, killed 12 settlers no red Coats killed.
Boston Tea Party
Boston shows Britain how mad they are.
First Continental Congress
To dispute what to do when the colonies break from Britain.
battle of Lexington & Concord
first battle and lost by Colonies
Second Continental congress
Sign the Olive Branch Petition
Causes of American Rev.
Taxes and mistreated by British.
Bunker Hill
first battle won by the colonists
wanted to stay with Britain.
Burgoyne’s plan
what caused the battle of Yorktown to be successful.
Battle of Long Island
a major loss for the colonies
Common Sense
a book of why the colonists should break away from Britain
Declaration of Independence
a Document stating the United States will break away from Britain.
Problem with currency
different amount in different colonies
Battle of Trenton and Princeton
some of the first victories for the US.
Treaty of Paris
1783 end of Rev. War.