The rest Flashcards
What does the Salk vaccine contain?
-Inactivated poliomyelitis
-Inactivated poliomyelitis
Does MMR cause autism?
Does giving an infant multiple vaccines overwhelm its immune system?
Is natural infection better than immunization?
Which infectious human disease was eradicated with the help of vaccines?
-Small pox
-Small pox
천연두는 종식됨.
The CASE model
- C orroborate
- A bout me
- S cience
- E xplain
-C orroborate(제시하다, 확실하게 하다)
-A bout me
-S cience
-E xplain
(그냥 외우자.)
What are the consequences of excessive and/or irresponsible use of anti-malaria agents?
-The pathogens have become resistant to one or more drugs
-The pathogens have become resistant to one or more drugs
약의 내성이 생겨버림
Was the Aedis Aegypti mosquito ever endemic(풍토병) in Europe?
-Yes, until the World War II
-Yes, until the World War II
When was the first human case of Zika detected?
-In the 1950s
Why is Percivall Pott important?
(이름부터 중요하게 생김)
-He was one of the first to connect a cancer to an occupational exposure.
-He was one of the first to connect a cancer to an occupational exposure.
(환경적 요인에 의해 암이 생길 수도 있다고 말한 최초의 썰전)
How was pneumonia treated up until the 19th century?
-Bloodletting (정맥절개술. 즉 단순히 피를 뽑았음)
What does John Snow well known for?
-He identified drinking water as a mediator of cholera infection
-He identified drinking water as a mediator of cholera infection
How is Ignaz Semmelweis frequently referred to as?
-Savior of mothers
-Savior of mothers
산모들의 구세주
What kind of disease did Ignaz Semmelweis recognize to be prevented just by washing our hands?
-Childbed fever (산욕열)
-Childbed fever (산욕열)
What is Hill’s criteria?
-They can be used to establish evidence of a causal relationship between a presumed cause and an observed effect.
-They can be used to establish evidence of a causal relationship between a presumed cause and an observed effect.
(사실 뭔말인지 모르겠다. 보고 익숙해지자.)