The Respiratory System Flashcards
What the bone at the top of the Larynx called?
Hyoid bone
What’s the cartilage under the hyoid bone called?
Thyroid cartilage
What’s the lower cartilage of the larynx called?
Cricoid cartilage
What’s the membrane between the two cartilage called in the larynx?
Cricothyroid membrane
What is the membrane between the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage called?
Thyrohyoid membrane
What membrane is the epiglottis attached to?
The quadrangular membrane
What cartilage is the quadrangular membrane attached to?
Cuneiforms cartilage
What ligament is known as the fake vocal chord?
Vestibular ligament
Where is the vocal ligament located?
Below the vestibular ligament nearest to the arytenoid cartilage.
What ligament holds the cricoid cartilage to the trachea?
Cricotracheal ligament
What muscles are responsible for pulling the vocal chords close together for pitch?
Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle, Oblique interarytenoid,
Transverse interarytenoid.
What muscles are responsible for the pull of the larynx superiorly?
Mylohyoid geniohyoid, anterior belly of digastric
What nerve runs through the larynx and when does the name change?
Vagus nerve changes to Superior laryngeal nerve once it goes past the hyoid bone, then inferior laryngeal nerve below the larynx.
Also the left of the current laryngeal nerve that runs back up towards the larynx.
What are the blood vessels surrounding the larynx?
Brachiocephalic veins right and Left. Inferior thyroid veins run up from the break your cephalic vein onto trachea. Internal jugular vein as it runs up past the larynx.
What are the blood vessels that supply the larynx in particular?
Superior thyroid artery, superior laryngeal artery and vein.