The Research Proposal Flashcards


What is a Research Proposal?

  • a summary of a proposed research study.
  • goal is to justify the need to embark on the research study.
  • outlines the process to conduct the proposed study and it can be used to request for funds to carry out a project.
  • provides a rationale as to why the study will be undertaken and how it will be conducted, useful for planning.
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What are the outlines of a Research Proposal?


Title of Research
- tentative title of the research study

Introduction & Problem Statement
- give a broad background against which the research is going to be conducted, brief overview of the general area of study, summarising the current state of knowledge on the topic.

Context & Lit Review

  • provide supporting lit to endorse the study
  • ensure there is relevancy of the lit to the topic, what does the articles say regarding the topic, how was it carry out, what is missing.

Research Question & Hypotheses
- focus on the study, determines the methodology and guides all stages of inquiry, anakysis and reporting.

Assumptions & Limitatiions
- conditions of the study that the researcher cannot control

Significance of the Study
- describe potential significance of the findings from the research that might contribute to social work.

Research Methodology / Design

  • Research Method - how to be carried out, to be qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods
  • Population & Sampling Plan - identify the population & explain the sampling technique
  • Data Collection Procedures - explain the dcp, incl questionnaires, ethical considerations and data confidentiality of data.
  • Data Analysis & Presentation of the Findings - describe the methods & give reasons, include how the findings are going to be presented in the report

Listing Cost

  • budget, be specific where money go to
  • make a list of items needed.

Schedule to Guide & Monitor Data Collection

  • use it to track that project on schedule & include contingency plan
  • act as memory tickler, i.e keeps the interview refreshed on different aspects that are to be kept track.
  • ensure sufficient time for each component of the research.

Acknowledgement To Avoid Plagiarism

  • to give due acknowldegement other people’s work.
  • include declaration of authenticity clause or statement.
  • in-text citation and references at the end of Lit Review.
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