The Renal System Flashcards
A key function of the kidneys is filtration. List some things that kidneys filter or regulate in the blood.
- Kidneys regulate electrolyte (salt) balance in the blood, by inhibiting or promoting their absorption into the bloodstream. Many electrolytes are essential for the body’s function: K+ and Na+ essential for establishing membrane resting potential, Ca2+ generating an action potential, Cl- aiding in the formation of HCl in the stomach.
- Regulating acid base balance. pH can greatly affect the affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen, and hence effect the transport of oxygen.
- Excretion of waste products of metabolism; urea, water and ammonia.
- Excretion of toxins and drugs.
- Production of important hormones.
- Maintenance of blood pressure via the reabsorption of water and production of hormones that controls how much substance is filtered out.
Where are kidneys found in the body?
The kidneys are found just under the ribcage in the posterior part of the abdomen on either side of the spin. The left kidney is slightly higher than the right kidney due to the presence on the right side of the body.
On top of each kidney is an adrenal gland.
What vessels lead into and out of the kidneys?
The aorta branches off into the renal artery, and the renal artery is the vessel that brings oxygenated blood into the kidneys. The oxygenated blood that is brought to the kidneys is the blood that is going to be filtered.
Going away from the kidneys is a tube called the ureter. The ureter holds components that was filtered out of the blood. The ureter carries these components to the bladder, and these contents leaves the body via the urethra.
The blood in the kidney that has been filtered is also deoxygenated. This deoxygenated (but filtered) blood travels through the renal vein, which eventually joins the inferior vena cava which reaches the heart.
The kidney can be divided into two sections: renal cortex and renal medulla. What is the difference between these two sections?
Renal cortex and renal medulla refers to different regions of the kidneys. Renal cortex refers to the outlining regions of the kidneys.
On the other hand, the renal medulla refers to the center regions of the kidney.
These regions are important because a nephron is not just found in the cortex, or not just found in the medulla. Different areas of the nephrons can be found in the cortex and medulla.
What areas of a nephron is found in the renal medulla? What areas of a nephron is found in the renal cortex?
Of a nephron, the renal corpuscle, afferent and efferent arteriole, PCT and DCT are found in the renal cortex.
The collecting ducts and loop of Henle is found in the renal medulla.
The nephron can also be categorized into tubular and vascular components. What is the difference between the two?
Tubular components refers to the filtrate (the fluid that is filtered out after the blood passes through the renal corpuscle) and what structures it flows through in the nephron. E.g. PCT, loop of Henle, DCT, collecting duct.
Vascular components refers to blood vessels (NOT TUBES !!!) of the nephron that brings blood to the nephron and carries blood away. Such vascular components includes: afferent arteriole, efferent arteriole, glomerulus, peritubular capillaries and vasa recta. (Peritubular capillaries are vessels that surround the PCT and DCT and are there for reabsorption of water and ions back into the blood. The vasa recta are specialized capillaries that are around the loop of Henle, and they maintain an osmotic gradient in the medulla, but also for reabsorption).
What is the renal capsule?
A coating that surrounds each kidney.
Give a description of what the juxtaglomerular apparatus is.
The juxtaglomerular apparatus is a structure where a segment of the distal convoluted tubule (normally the initial segment) comes into contact with the afferent and efferent arteriole of the renal corpuscle.
There are two types of specialised cells present in this juxtaglomerular apparatus structure: macula densa cells and granular cells (juxtaglomerular cells).
Macula densa cells are epithelial cells that lines the walls of the distal convoluted tubule that comes into close contact with the afferent and efferent arteriole.
The granular cells are cells found in the wall of the afferent arteriole, and a bit of the efferent arteriole. Some granular cells may have secretory granules in their cytoplasm, that secretes a hormone called renin. The secretion of renin is essential in controlling blood volume and pressure.
Describe the structure of the ureter, urinary bladder and urethra.
The ureters are two tubes that carries filtrate from the kidney to the bladder.
The bladder is the sac that holds our urine (the filtrate that just arrived from the kidneys). The bladder sac has walls made of smooth muscle, also known as detrusor muscle. During micturition, it is the contractor of the detrusor muscle (as well as other things) that causes the urine to be released.
The neck of the bladder then develops into a structure called the urethra, which is where the urine leaves the body (in males, the urethra extends into a penis).
At the top of the urethra (near the neck of the bladder), there is internal urethral sphincter. At the bottom of the urethra, there is also an external urethra sphincter. The contraction and relaxation of these sphincters leads to the release of urine.
What is micturition?
The process where urine is expelled from the body.
Describe the contraction and relaxation of sphincters in the urethra and detrusor muscle in the bladder during the storage phase (a relaxed bladder).
During the storage phase, the internal urethral sphincter is passively contracted by the sympathetic nervous system.
The external sphincter is actively and consciously contracted by us (under the control of somatic nervous system). There is a motor neuron from the CNS that is constantly firing action potentials to this sphincter to make it remain contracted (hence closing the urethra).
This causes the urethra to stay closed, preventing urine from escaping the bladder.
It is also important to note that the detrusor muscle in the bladder is relaxed.
Which sphincter in the urethra is controlled by the parasympathetic system, and which is controlled by the somatic nervous system?
The parasympathetic nervous system controls the internal urethral sphincter (the one near the neck of the bladder).
The external urethra sphincter is under somatic control, meaning we consciously contract or relax these sphincters ourselves.
How does the contraction and relaxation of sphincters and muscles change during micturition?
Firstly, when a lot of urine fills the bladder, the bladder stretches to hold more urine. When the bladder stretched, the stretch receptors within the bladder wall generates an action potential to send to the CNS.
The generation of the action potential notifies the CNS, and two things occur:
1) The parasympathetic neurons to the detrusor muscles in the bladder fire action potentials. This causes the detrusor muscle to contract. pushing urine out of the bladder as well as passively opening the internal sphincter.
2) The motor neuron that normally fires action potentials to the external sphincter stops firing these action potentials. This causes the external sphincter to stop contracting, and instead relaxes.
Overall, 3 things occur: the detrusor muscle contracts, the internal sphincter relaxes & opens, and the external sphincter also relaxes and opens.
What three basic processes take place in the nephron?
Filtration, reabsorption and secretion.
Of the blood that reaches the glomerulus in the kidneys, how much is filtered?
20% of the blood that reaches the glomerulus is filtered.
The other 80% carries on into the efferent arteriole and becomes blood vessels that wraps around the nephron.
Outline what the glomerular membrane is composed of and how it forms filtrate.
Remember, when we are talking about a glomerular membrane, it is referring to the membrane between a glomerular capillary and the Bowman’s capsule.
So, the first layer is the capillary endothelial layer, which is basically the normal layer of endothelium cells you would have lining a capillary. The gaps between these endothelium cells are called fenestrations, and this causes the layer to be highly permeable to water and solutes.
The next layer is called the basement membrane. The basement membrane is composed of collagen proteins, which is negatively charged. This prevents negatively charged plasma proteins from also being filtered; the negative charged collagen proteins repels the negatively charged plasma proteins.
The last layer is the epithelial cells that line the glomerulus, which can also be referred to as podocytes. These podocytes have special extensions (almost octopus shaped, or the shape of a hair claw) that wraps around the glomerular capillary. The gaps between these podocytes are called slit pores. These slit pores only allows molecules to pass that are smaller than 60 kD.
This shows that the membranes that pass the glomerular membrane is dependent on their size, charge and shape.
What components of the blood normally forms filtrate in the Bowman’s capsule, and what components stay in the blood and carry on to the efferent arteriole?
Small molecules like water, ions, urea, amino acids and glucose form filtrate.
Large molecules like erythrocytes, white blood cells and other plasma proteins stay in the blood and carry on to the efferent arteriole.
What components determines the net filtration pressure?
Three components determines the net filtration pressure: hydrostatic pressure of glomerular capillaries, osmotic pressure (net osmotic pressure if from Bowman’s capsule to capillaries) and capsule hydrostatic pressure.
Net filtration pressure = Hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries - osmotic pressure - hydrostatic pressure in Bowmans capsules (also called capsule fluid pressure)
How is hydrostatic pressure generated in the glomerular capillaries?
The decrease in lumen size when the blood travels from the afferent arteriole to the glomerular capillaries causes an increase in the flow of blood; increase in blood pressure; increase in hydrostatic pressure.
The increased hydrostatic pressure forces more small molecules like water, ions and more out of the glomerular capillaries into the Bowman’s capsule.
What is the net movement of osmotic pressure in the renal corpuscle, and does it oppose or favour filtration?
When blood arrives at the glomerular capillaries (from the afferent arterioles), the hydrostatic pressure causes water as well as other molecules to move into the Bowman’s capsule.
With water leaving the glomerular capillaries, the concentration of plasma proteins, erythrocytes and white blood cells increases, which in turn decreases the water potential.
So there is a decreased water potential in the glomerular capillaries, and increased water potential in the Bowman’s capsule (as water was just filtered into this space). This water potential gradient means water is more likely to move from Bowman’s capsule to the glomerular capillaries.
Hence, the overall colloid osmotic pressure would be from Bowman’s capsule to the glomerular capillaries, which is in the opposite direction to the movement of the filtrate. Therefore, this colloid osmotic pressure opposes filtration.
Capsule fluid pressure can be referred to as hydrostatic pressure in the Bowman’s capsule, and is also a factor in determining the glomerular filtration rate. How is hydrostatic pressure built up in the Bowman’s capsule, and does this pressure oppose or favour filtration?
When fluid is filtered from the glomerular capillaries and enter the Bowman’s capsule, it starts to accumulate. The accumulation of filtrate increases pressure because the fluid is in an almost closed space (due to the Bowman’s capsule being a cup-like structure) and has no place to escape other than entering the renal tubule.
There is also some resistance to flow of filtrate into the PCT due to the decrease in space/lumen size of the PCT compared to the Bowman’s capsule. Hence, there is a small force causing filtrate to remain in the Bowman’s capsule, and the accumulation of filtrate generates a capsule fluid pressure (hydrostatic pressure in Bowman’s capsule).
The hydrostatic pressure in the Bowman’s capsule can cause some filtrate to re-enter the glomerular capillaries. This opposes the direction of filtration, which means capsule fluid pressure opposes filtration.
Briefly state the net movement of pressures across the glomerular membrane.
The net hydrostatic pressure of glomerular capillaries is from the capillaries to the Bowman’s capsule (filtrate is pushed into Bowman’s capsule).
The net colloid osmotic pressure is from Bowman’s capsule into glomerular capillaries.
The next capsule fluid pressure if from Bowman’s capsule into glomerular capillaries.
So, colloid osmotic pressure and capsule fluid pressure works against the hydrostatic pressure of glomerular capillaries.
What is the net filtration pressure if:
Hydrostatic pressure of glomerular capillary= 55 mm Hg
Colloid osmotic pressure= 30 mm Hg
Capsule fluid pressure= 15 mm Hg
Net filtration pressure= 55 - 30 -15
Net filtration pressure= 10 mm Hg
What is glomerular filtration rate?
The amount of fluid that filters into the Bowman’s capsule per unit time. Average GFR is 125ml/min or 180L/day.
What are some important information needed in calculating glomerular filtration rate?
Cardiac output- how much blood is pumped by the heart per minute? Normally, approximately 5 L is pumped by the heart per minute; 5L/min.
It is then important to know, that of this 5L (or accurate cardiac output of patient), 20% goes to the kidney. So 50 x 0.2 = 1 L.
This means 1L of blood goes to the kidneys.
Of that 1 L, 375 mL are proteins that cannot be filtered due to their size and charge. The remaining 625 mL is plasma.
As said before, 20% of the total blood plasma in the glomerulus that could potentially be filtered is actually filtered (the remaining 80% of plasma leaves via the efferent arteriole). Therefore:
625 mL x 0.2 = 125 ml/min.
GFR= 125 ml/min
This figure can be changed into L per day, which gives 180 L/ day.
What formula can be used to indirectly estimate glomerular filtration rate, and why may we use this formula?
Estimated glomerular filtration rate:
(Urine conc x urine flow) / plasma conc
We use this formula rather than directly measuring glomerular filtration rate, because measuring it directly is difficult. We would have to know the volume of blood that arrives at the kidneys, the concentration in the afferent arteriole, and then then concentration after filtration; these are difficult to measure directly.