The Religious Settlement and Religious Challanges Flashcards
What religion was Elizabeth?
Protestant (in a largely Catholic country)
Why was religion important in Elizabethan England?
- It was central to life in England, religious teachings and beliefs guided people’s behaviours and moral
- People believed going to church and attending pilgrimages decreased time in purgatory
Where were protestants tend to normally be found in Europe?
In Northern Europe, especially in the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Germany
What was one effect of the Reformation in 1517?
It divided the Catholic Church into two, Protestant and Catholics
Which part of England remained Catholic after religious divisions in the early 1500’s?
Northern England, especially Durham, Yorkshire and Lancashire
Since the 1530’s, why was there a huge population growth of protestants in areas like London?
There was heavy persecution of Protestants in Europe, resulting in them fleeing to England
Who were the Puritans?
Radical Protestants who wanted to purify the Christian religion by getting rid of anything not in the Bible
What are beliefs of Catholics?
- Pope is the head of the Church
- The Church is intermediary (in between)to God and people, so they can forgive sins
- Transubstantiation
- 7 Sacrements
- Priests are celibate
What are the beliefs of Protestants and Puritans?
- No Pope
- Personal connection to God, only God can forgive sins
- Bread and wine symbolise Christ (there is no miracle)
- 2 Sacrements (Baptism and Holy Communion)
- Priest can marry
What were the practices of Catholics?
- Services in Latin
- Priests were vestments
- Churches highly decorated
What were the practices of Protestants?
- Services in English
- Priests wear simple vestements
- Churches plain and simple
What were practices of Puritans?
- Services in English
- Priests wear simple vestements
- Churches whitewashed with no decorations
Where was the support for Catholics?
Majority in the North and West England
Where was the support for Protestants?
Mostly South-East England (London,Kent and East Anglia)
Where was the support for Purtians?
Mainly in London and East-Anglia
When was Elizabeth’s religious settlement?
What was the main aim of Elizabeth’s religious settlement?
To establish a form of religion which created a ‘middle-way’ that both Catholics and Protestants accepted
What were the key fearures of Elizabeth’s Religious Settlement?
- Act of Uniformity
- Act of Supremacy
- An Ecclesiastical High Commision
- The Book of Common Prayer (1559)
- The Royal Injuctions
What was the Act of Uniformity?
An act which dictated the appearance of churches and how religious services were to be held, it required everyone to attend church.
What was the Act of Supremacy?
An act which allowed Elizabeth to become Supreme Governor (Head) of the Church of England.
Why was the Ecclesiastical High Commision established?
To keep discipline within the Church and enforce Elizabeth’s religious settlement
What was the Common Book of Prayer?
A set of church service to be used in all churches
What was the Royal Injunctions?
A set of instructions to the clergy which reinforced the Acts of Supremacy and Acts of Unifomity, it also inlcuded instructions on how to worship God
What were the impacts of the Religious Settlement?
- 8000 clergy out of about 10 000 accepted the religious settlement
- Many Marian Bishops (Catholic Bishops appointed by Mary Tudor) opposed the settlement and had to be replaced
- The majority of ordinary people accepted Elizabeth’s religious settlement and attended the church services, even though many of them held on to Catholic beliefs
What was the role of the Church of England in society?
- Preached the governments message
- Provided guidance for communities
- Responsible for Church Courts
- Visitations
- Legitimised Elizabeth’s rule
- Enforced Elizabeth’s Religious Settlement of 1559
What was the role of the parish clergy in village life?
- they were the main figures in villages
- they offered spiritual and practical advice
- they were funded by taxes or tithes (a tax worth 10% of people’s income)
What were the needs of the Puritans?
- they wanted to develop their own Church, which wasn’t controlled by the Queen
- they wanted to to make the world more ‘godly’ by banning ‘sinful’ activites
- they wanted a simpler style of worship
What was the nature of the Puritan Challanges?
- Elizabeth didn’t want to upset her Catholic subjects so she demanded a crucifix in every church, this angered Puritans
- Elizabeth wanted the clergy to wear special vestements as said in the Royal Injuctions, Puritans heavily resisted this
What gave the impression that Puritan support was limited?
The goverement ignored their demands
What was the Counter Reformation?
The Catholic Church’s attempt to reverse Protestantism and stop it’s spread, this led to Protestant hostility
What happened to Protestants in Europe?
They were charged with heresey
How did Catholic hostility towards Protestants cause the Revolt of the Northern Earls?
- the Pope instructed Catholics not to attend Church of England services
- One third of the English Nobility are rescuants
Why were Europe’s most powerful rulers a real threat to Elizabeth?
They were Catholic and encouraged by the Pope to replace her with a Catholic Monarch
What had encouraged the Catholic powers such as France and Spain to attack England in 1570?
The Pope excommunicated Elzabeth, this meant she was excluded from the Catholic Church
Who were the Sea Beggars?
Dutch rebels against Spanish occupation
- Elizabeth condemmed them but many made their way to England
Why happend at the Genoese loan in 1568?
The Italian city Genoa lent gold to the Spanish government. The ships carrying the gold sheltered at English ports so Elziabeth seized them and argued it belonged to the Italians.
Geographically,after 1570, why did the Privy Council fear a Spanish invasion?
Spain secured their rule in the Netherlands so Spanish troops were sent, Netherlands is close to England