The relationship between religion and morality Flashcards
What are the three main positions on the link between religion and morality?
- Theonomous ethics- morality stems from god. 2. Autonomous ethics- morality is decided by the moral agent. 3. Heteronomous ethics- morality is defined by an external force.
What three positions are held by theonomous ethics?
- God is the creator of moral goodness. 2. God is the source of moral knowledge. 3. God is our motivation for being good and doing good.
Describe divine command theory
Something is good because god wills it, all moral truths are god given. To be moral is simply to follow god’s commands.
Give three major issues with demand command theory
- How can moral truths be eternal and unchanging if religions disagree on what they are? 2. If to be moral is to follow god’s commands, the non believer has no moral accountability. 3. DCT is circular, what is good is what god commands and what god commands is good.
Give an example of an immoral divine command
Deuteronomy describes how if a betrothed virgin in raped by a man, both of them are to be taken outside of the city and stoned to death.
How does Philip Quinn defend divine command theory?
God moves the goalposts to make them applicable to the situation, allowing moral standards to adjust to circumstances. He initially ordered the Israelites not to kill, but changed this in Deuteronomy when they entered the promised land and he commanded them to kill.
What two questions does the euthyphro dilemma ask?
Is something good because god commands it? Or does god command something because it is good?
What is the problem with the first answer to the euthyphro dilemma?
If god is the source of moral goodness then it makes no sense to praise him for his goodness. Goodness relies upon his arbitrary feelings and he could will us to do unjust acts which would be against our moral intuition.
What is the problem with the second answer to the euthyphro dilemma?
If he commands things because they are good, he is conforming to an external standard of goodness, meaning he is not omnipotent, so it makes no sense to worship him.
How does Robert Adams answer the euthyphro dilemma?
God may appear to command us to do immoral things (Abraham and Isaac) but he would never ask us to do things that would harm us in the long term. We are just unable to see this as we are at an epistemic distance from him.
What is autonomous ethics?
We have a sense of conscience and moral obligation which can be accounted for without appealing to the existence of god.
Explain the underlying principle of Kant’s autonomous ethics
Humans are rational and can discover moral rule through reason. If god exists, he abides by the same rational principles as humans.
Explain the five points of Kant’s autonomous ethics
- Humans ought to strive toward moral perfection, a good person is one who acts out of good will. 2. To act out of good will is to seek summon bonum. 3. We can’t ensure that we will reach this summon bonum. 4. There must be a rational and moral being who has the power to bring moral worth and happiness together. 5. As this reward for happiness does not happen in this life, it must be attained in an afterlife.
What is the problem with Kant’s view?
It does not really work as proof that god exists. But it is clear that we are moral beings and ought to believe in god out of morality, not logic.
How does sharpe make a moral case against religious belief?
He says religious institutions have no authority on moral matters, to be religious does not entail being moral, religion can get it wrong and there is nothing moral about following commands just for the sake of following commands.
Which religion does Sharpe attack?
The Roman Catholic Church. They consider moral practices immoral, pope Paul VI stated that artificial contraception was immoral, Sharpe asks if it is really conceivable that god would care if a couple used artificial contraception or the rhythm method.
Describe the westboro baptist Church’s beliefs.
An american Christian hate group founded by Fred Phelps who argue that events such as 9/11 are god punishing america for tolerating homosexuals. They believe god chooses a few select people to save and the rest will go to hell.
What does the westboro baptist church base their beliefs on?
They strongly belive in god’s hatred of homosexuals and support this using select quotes from the Bible which they take a literal interpretation of.
Describe the quiverfull movement
An evangelical Christian group that opposes contraception and abortion. The purpose of sex is reproduction and children are a gift from god. It is a Christian duty to have as many children as possible to build an army of god.
What does the quiverfull movement think of women
The group is inherently patriarchal, they belive that women are defined by the fact that they have a womb and carry children. The term woman means ‘womb-man’ and the only duties of a woman is to mother and nurture children.
What does Dawkins say about religion and morality?
Humanity would be better off without religion. Teaching religious positions on morality to children is a form of indoctrination.
What type of morality does Dawkins advocate?
One based on reason, which values autonomy. He wants to see a secular, relativist and consequentialist ethics.
What are moral choices based on according to Dawkins?
Evolution, selfless actions and working with others happen because they have helped us to survive. We are moral because it helps us to flourish and reproduce.
What are Hell Houses?
Haunted house like attractions where fundamentalist Christians depict sins and the consequences of being immoral to convince children to follow their moral codes. Children come away terrified and brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality will lead them to eternal damnation. For Dawkins, this is a form of child abuse.
What is Dawkins’ position on terrorism?
Religion is a huge motivator for terrorism, it is the main driver of terrorist attains across the world. Extremists interpret religion in a way that justifies violence.
What is the problem with Dawkins’ view on Islam?
He has been accused of islamophobia for his comments on the 2015 Charlie hebdo terrorist attack in Paris. He generalizes the actions of a few to a whole religion and believes that Muslims suffer because of their ‘cruel’ religion.
Why do religious people follow moral codes, according to Dawkins?
They want to score points in heaven, Islamic terrorists often believe that because of their actions, they will be the first to be rewarded in heaven.
How does Dawkins criticize Islam?
In Saudi Arabia, women can’t have bank accounts without a male relative’s permission. Islam condones immoral actions such as stoning adulterers and advocates backward looking and intolerant moral codes.
Give two criticisms of Dawkins
- He ignores religion as a force for good, religious people have made tremendous contributions to humanity in times of war, famine and poverty. 2. He assumes that religious morality is stuck in the past and not evolving, but this is not the case.
Give two more criticisms of Dawkins
- He is very selective in his examples and generalizes the actions of a few to an entire religion. 2. He ignores the fact that many believers are obedient to god out of love, loyalty and respect, not just a want to go to heaven.