The Regulatory Framework And The Role Of IFRS Flashcards
What is the role of a regulatory framework in the preparation of financial standards?
- ensure regulation of financial reporting through standards
- ensure info is reported objectively to provide relevant, reliable and faithfully represented info that enables users to make financial decisions
- provide adequate minimum level of info for users
- ensure info is comparable and consistent in the relevant economic arena
- ensure/improve transparency and credibility of financial reports, promoting users’ confidence in the financial reporting process
- regulate behaviour of companies and directors through the CG framework
- achieve desired social goals through environmental and CSR reporting
Key objectives of financial accounting standards:
- improve transparency and make information reliable, relevant and easier to understand
- reduce the risk of creative accounting
- make statements of different period/entities comparable
- increase credibility of financial statements by improving the uniformity of accounting treatment between companies
- provide quality factual reports and accounting information which can be reliable upon for consistency, commonality and overall transparency
What are the key arguments for harmonising accounting standards across the world?
- Make global comparisons easier
- Cross-border listing is facilitated - easier to raise funds and make investments abroad
- Multinational companies with subsidiaries in foreign countries have a common, company-wide accounting language
- Foreign companies can be more easily appraised for mergers and acquisitions
- Multinationals benefit: (1) prep of group financial statements may be easier; (2) a reduction in audit costs; (3) management control improved; (4) transfer of accounting knowledge and expertise across borders easier
Why growing need for businesses to account for and report on environmental issues?
- Risk management
- Marketing advantages
- Legal needs
- Competitive advantage
- Ethics
- Compliance and accounting requirements
- Green (ethical) investors
- Employee interests
- Value-added reporting
-Integrated reporting