The Reformation Flashcards
When did the Reformation start?
The Reformation started in 1517 Germany as a protest against the abuse of power within the Catholic Church. It originally started as a protest in order to reform the Church.
What was the Reformation?
The reformation was a period of time where the people began to question the teachings of the church and the pope’s legitimacy
Who were the followers of the Reformation?
The followers of the reformation were called Protestants
What caused the Reformation (Renaissance)?
The Church helped create the Renaissance by funding artists. However an unintended consequence of this was that it encouraged people to question their beliefs
Reading- The Reformation
As more people learned to read they could study the bible themselves rather than having to listen to Priests or Bishops. As a result different interpretations of the bible were formed and the often differed from the Churches teachings
Printing Press- The Reformation
The printing press allowed the ideologies of Reformists to travel around faster (Like Martin Luther)- faster travel picked up more followers
2.Wealth- The Reformation
Bishops and monasteries were vast land owners. It is estimated the church owned one third of the land in Germany
Ordinary people also had to pay a tithe to their local bishop (one tenth of their income). This was also greatly resented as the people saw how lavishly embellished the chruches and bishops were
- Abuses within the church
Simony: The selling and buying of positions within the church
- Abuses within the church
Nepotism: The appointing of relatives to Church jobs regardless of merit
- Abuses within the church
Pluralism: Holding more than one church position at the same time
- Abuses within the church
Absenteeism: When a bishop or priest is absent from their parish or diocese for a long duration of time
- Abuses within the church
Selling of Indulgences: Christians believed when one passed away they were kept in purgatory until they atoned for all their sins made on Earth. To limit the time Churches began selling Indulgences (small prayers which shortened the time one spent in purgatory). Many people felt this was outrageous due to the fact that forgiveness of sins could be bought with money. The whole practise also seemed to target the poor
- Abuses within the church
Breaking Vows: Many Priests and bishops did not live according to Christian ways: keeping mistress or fathering children. There were many instances of these figures breaking their celibacy vows.
- The Power Of Kings
At the time no sort of authority could overmine the Churches authority. This influence and power was much envied and resented by Kings
Who was the man who started the Reformation?
Martin Luther started the Reformation
Who was the man who started the Reformation?
Martin Luther started the Reformation
Where was he born?
Martin Luther was born in Germany Saxony in 1483
After studying law what did he decide to do?
After studying law he decided to become and Augustinian monk
What did he study and what did he become a professor in?
He studied Theology and became a Professor of Theology at Wittenbutg University
Why did Luther spend much of his time studying the bible?
Luther spent much of his time studying the bible in detail to ensure he was doing all that was necessary to reach heaven
What did the Church say could get you to heaven?
The Church said you had to have faith in god and perform good works (pilgrimage, fasting, praying, giving to charity, indulgences)
Did Luther disagree?
Luther disagreed as he couldn’t find any text in the Bible supporting this claim. He believed Justification by Faith alone could get you to heaven. This meant faith in God alone could get you to heaven.
What was “Justification of Faith Alone”
Justification of faith alone was the principle that faith in god alone could get one into heaven
What happened in 1517?
In 1517 John Tetzel arrived in Wittenburg selling Indulgences. Half of the money was going to the rebuild pf St. Peter’s Basilica and the Archbishop of Mainz
Why was Luther angry?
Luther was angry as Tetzel was claiming that if one bought an indulgence they would get to heaven. He wrote to the Archbishop concerning the problem
Did the Archbishop respond?
The Archbishop ignored him
What did Luther write?
Luther wrote a 95 thesis (arguments) and supposedly nailed it to the door of a church in Wittenburg. What was originally meant to spark debate against scholars turn out to be a fully fledged attack against the pope as it was taken down and printed and quickly translated into German.
What were the main ideas of Luther’s 95 thesis:
> The pope had no power to forgive sins
> Indulgence did not save people from the punishments for their sins
> As one of the richest men on Earth the pope himself should rebuild the St Peter’s Basilica, instead of taking money from the poor
What astounding thing did Luther claim during the debate?
Luther claimed that the Pope had no more power to interpret the Bible than the ordinary people
What occurred after the Pope realised Luther was a threat?
In 1519 The pope sent the theologist John Eck to debate Martin Luther.
What occurred after this claim?
After this claim Pope Leo X demanded that Luther recant (however he refused).
What happened after Luther refused to recant?
After Luther refused to recant he was given a papal bull ( former letter and command) by the pope. He was threatened with excommunication. This means being thrown outside of the Catholic Church and being refused sacraments
What did he do with the papal and bull?
He publicly burned the papal bull and was excommunicated in 1521
What did Luther continue to do?
Luther continued writing pamphlets and giving sermons rejecting the power of the Pope
What did the Holy Roman Emperor hold?
The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V of Germany held a meeting Diet at Worms discussing what to do with Luther. This became known as the Diet Of Worms
What was Luther given?
Luther was given a safe passage to discuss his beliefs. However he refused to recant saying: I cannot and will not recant for to go against my conscience is neither right or safe
What did Prince Charles V issue?
Prince Charles V issued an Edict of Worms thereby making Luther an outlaw. Luther’s supporters protested against this, earning the name Protestants. He was to be arrested and punished for heresy (knowingly going against the teaching sof the church)
What did Prince Frederick of Saxony do?
Prince Frederick of Saxony fearing for Luther’s life arranged a fake kidnapping and made him live in Wartburg Castle
What did Luther do there for a year?
Luther translated the Bible into German for a year.
What were some of Luther’s beliefs?
Luther believed that:
- The Bible is the only source of guidance
- Church and mass should be held in vernacular
- Clergy should be allowed to marry
- There were only two sacraments
- Bread and wine did not become the body and blood. This was called consubstantiation
What was the belief that bread and win became the body and blood
Who did Luther marry and how many kids did he have?
Luther married ex nun Catherine von Borra and had 6 children.
What year did Luther pass away?
He passed away in 1506
Who launched the Reformation in Switzerland?
In 1531 Ulrich Zwingli launched the Reformation in Switzerland
Who established what in 1534
Henry viii established the Church of England as separate from the Catholic Church
What did John Calvin believe in?
Calvin was invited to Geneva Switzerland and set up his own idea of Protestantism:
- Presbyterianism: He believed in Predestination which meant that god had already decided whether you were going to heaven or not before you were born. Not one action could reverse this. He also banned gambling, dancing, fancy clothes and statues in church. Basically anything he though would lead one into sin.
What 4 countries turned towards Protestantism?
Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway turned to Protestantism
Where was most of the Protestantism movement?
Most of the Protestantism took place in Northern European countries
Court of Inquisition
Established to persecute the heretics and those who did not convert to the Christian faith
What were the punishments executed by the courts of Inquisitions
- People found guilty of the most serious offences were burnt at the stake. The ceremony was named auto-de-fe. They were always done in public to showcase the consequences of becoming a heretic. Other punishments included: - Imprisonment - Fines - Confiscation of Property - Wearing of the Yellow Cloak san benito
New Religious Orders
- The church saw it needed to reconnect with the faithful, several new religious orders were formed to do this
- Some like the Ursuline nuns and Capuchin monks worked in communities and preached the gospel
What was a famous Religious Order
The Society of Jesuits or the Jesuits founded by Ignatius Loyola. in 1534 The whole structure of his order was very military style. Him acting as a general and his soldiers (the priests) being obliged to carry out his ever order as quick as possible:
They set about converting people as missionaries and educating the sons of nobility and of wealth
What was the Council of Trent?
This was the churchs response to the Reformation. Senior bishops and cardinals met up in 1545-1563 in Trento Italy.
What did the council do?
It intended to solve existing problems within the Church such as:
- Simony
- Selling of Indulgences
- Pluralism
- Absenteeism
Impose and Bolden rules:
- Priests to keep celibacy vows
- Seminaries set up in every diocese to train priests
- List of banned books called the Index of Prohibited Books
What did the Council Clarify
The Council clarified that:
- Faith and good deeds were needed to get into heaven
- There were seven Sacraments
- Mass and bible must be held in Latin
- The Rulebook of Christianity was name Catechism
What was the Peace of Ausburg
It took place in 1555 and condoned that each ruler of his state would chose his favourable religion
(1)What were the effects of the Reformation:
- Many disputes were sparked between the two denominations. Several of them took place in France, Spain, England, Germany and Switzerland
- Example: - The Anglo-Spanish war took place in 1585 to 1604
- The Thirty Year war took place between 1618 - 1648
(2)What were the effects of the Reformation:
The Power of The kings: The Pope no longer had power over Protestant majority countries. Property originally owned by the Church was seized by the Crown. Rulers were enriched and there was obvious power shift. The Catholic Church lost lots of its influence and power
(3)What were the effects of the Reformation:
Education: Protestants believed that education was the most important aspect of understanding the Bible. Catholics believed the lack of Education was the reason for reformists. Hence many schools were set up to educate Catholics. There was an increase in education from the 1500s onwards.
Art and Architecture
Protestants eradicated church art pieces as they thought of them as, wasteful and as a distraction to bible study. Protestant churches were plain and simple. However Catholic churches were lavishly decorated to entice followers. This prompted the baroque movement in art.