The Purpose Of Creation Ch1 Flashcards
How do people express their appreciation of creation?
- Paint
- Photograph
- poems
- songs
How can we make sure there are sufficient resources for future generations?
We can be aware of the amount of resources we consume daily and make adjustments.
Creation examples
Sky Land Wind Sand Sunset Animals Clouds Grass Plants River Fire Flowers Sun Ocean
Why do People harm creation?
People neglect and harm creation because of convenience, don’t care, money, assume nothing will happen, ignore consequences.
Hat does stewardship mean?
The job of supervising or taking care of something.
Why do we need to develop a senses of stewardship towards creation.
We need to develop stewardship because we need to look after the earth because it belongs to the whole human family including the future generations. It is our essential role as humans to protect our earth.
Aboriginal people stewardship
Aboriginal people have a sense of stewardship towards the land.
Aboriginal people teach stories about creation which are called dreaming. They explain stories about how the land came top be.
The universe
The universe exists to reveal the glory of god. All people can discover the creator who shows love for them through creation. People who realise that the universe was created by god often begin to ask what must god be like?
Harmonious relationship
In harmony with god Intention
Intention = to be close with god.
Harmonious relationship
In harmony within themselves
Intention= for us to understand
Harmonious relationship
In harmony with each other
Intention = friendship
Harmonious relationship
In harmony with creation
Intention= Good for everything.
Genesis meaning
Yahwist Creation Story
-Contains stories found in the bible today written around 1000BC
- God created human beings from the soil.
- God blew the breath of life into the human
- God created a garden of eden
- God forbade the fruit of the tree of knowledge
- God created animals and birds from the soil.
- God brought each of the human to name
- God created a woman as a companion for the man.
- The man and the woman became one.
The priestly creation story
- In the beginning, god created heaven and earth
- God said ‘Let there be light’
- God divided light from darkness
- God created light, water,plants, creatures, and birds in the first 5 min
- God let us make man in our own image
- Be fruitful multiply be masters.
- God saw what he had made and indeed it was good.
- On the 7th day god completed the work, he rested, he blessed the 7th day and made it holy
the action or process of bringing something into existence.
Stewardship as Christians
We believe earth belongs
to the whole human family, including future generations. They should therefore relate responsibly to creation as its stewards.