what is family therapy
Family therapy is a form of therapy carried out with members of the family with the aim of improving their communication and reducing the stress of living as a family.
What approaches(when explaining schizo) does family therapy take into account and why
- the double bind and the schizophrenogenic mother, some therapists see the family as the root cause of the condition.
What are therapists more concerned about now in family therapy and why explanation emphasises this
Nowadays, most family therapists are more concerned with reducing stress within the family that might contribute to a patients risk or relapse. In particular family therapy aims to reduce levels or expressed emotion
what does family therapy aim to do (5)
- To educate relatives about schizophrenia.
- To stabilize the social authority of the doctor and the family.
- To improve how the family communicated and handled the situation.
- To teach patients and carers more effective stress management techniques.
- reduce levels of expressed emotion, and reduced the likelihood of relapse.
what were the identified examples by Pharoah on how family therapy works (4)
It helps family members achieve a balance between caring for the individual and maintaining their own lives
it reduces anger and guilt it improves their ability to anticipate and solve problems forms a therapeutic alliance.
what are the 4 methods used within family therapy
- Families taught to have weekly family meetings solving problems on family and individual goals, resolve conflict between members, and pinpoint stressors.
- Preliminary analysis: Through interviews and observation the therapist identifies strengths and weaknesses of family members and identifies problem behaviors.
- Information transfer – teaching the patient and the family the actual facts about the illness, it’s causes, the influence of drug abuse, and the effect of stress and guilt.
- Communication skills training – teach family to listen, to express emotions and to discuss things. Additional communication skills are taught, such as “compromise and negotiation,” and “requesting a time out” . This is mainly aimed at lowering expressed emotion.
What did Anderson et al find when comparing drug therapy with family therapy and both (+ve)
found a relapse rate:
- almost 40% when patients had drugs only - only 20 % when Family Therapy - Social Skills training were used and the relapse rate was less than 5% when both were used together with the medication.
What Did Pharaoh et al find in their meta-analysis study on family therapy (2) (+ve)
meta - analysis
found: - family interventions help the patient to understand their illness and to live with it - developing emotional strength and coping skills⇒ reducing rates of relapse.
Evaluate how family therapy is cost benefitical + what did NICE find (+ve)
- highly cost effective because it reduces relapse rates, so the patients are less likely to take up hospital beds and resources.
- The NICE review of family therapy studies demonstrated that it was associated with significant cost savings when offered to patients alongside the standard care – Relapse rates are also lower which suggests the savings could be even higher