The Psychodynamic Approach Flashcards
- Unconscious mind is the driving force behind our behavior
- We’re driven by instincts to go through stages of development of our personality & behavior
- Early childhood experiences are pivotal in making us the person we are
Describe the id structure of our personality
It operates on the pleasure principle (get what it wants) and is entirely selfish
Describe the ego structure of out personality
It works on the reality principle and is the mediator between the other 2 parts out personality by employing several defence mechanisms
Describe the superego structure of our personality
It is based on the morality principle and internalises between right and wrong
What is the Oral Psychosexual Stage & a consequence if conflict unresolved
Mouth is the focus of pleasure (mother’s breast)
Oral fixation e.g smoking, biting nails
What is the Anal Psychosexual Stage & a consequence if conflict unresolved
Anus is focus of pleasure (child gains pleasure from withholding & expelling faeces
Perfectionist (anal retentive) or thoughtless (anal expulsive)
What is the Phallic Psychosexual Stage & a consequence if conflict unresolved
Genital area is focus of pleasure (child experiences Oedipus or Electra complex)
Narcissist, reckless
What is the Latency Psychosexual Stage & a consequence if conflict unresolved
Earlier conflicts are repressed
What is the Genital Psychosexual Stage & a consequence if conflict unresolved
Sexual desires become conscious along puberty
Difficulty forming heterosexual relationships
What are defence mechanisms
Unconscious strategies ego uses to manage conflict between id & superego
What are the 3 types of defence mechanisms
Repression, Denial and Displacement
What is repression
Forcing a distressing memory out of the conscious mind
What is denial
Refusing to acknowledge some aspect of reality
What is displacement
Transferring feelings from the actual source of distressing emotion onto a substitute target
Evaluation: Explanatory power
- although Freud’s concepts are unusual they’ve had a huge impact on psychology
- it has explained personality development, abnormal behaviour, moral development & gender
- it draws attention to the connection between childhood experiences & later development
Evaluation: The case study method
- Freud’s study was usually based on single individuals often in therapy
- although his observations were detailed critics have suggested it isn’t possible to make claims on the entirety of human nature based on studies on small numbers of people that were psychologically abnormal
- Freud’s interpretations are very subjective and his methods lack scientific credibility
Evaluation: Untestable concepts
- Popper argued the psychodynamic approach doesn’t meet scientific criteria of falsification since it’s not open to empirical testing
- Freud’s concepts (like Oedipus complex) occur at an unconscious level making it impossible to test
- according to Popper the psychodynamic theory is therefore pseudoscience (‘fake’ science)