The Psychodynamic Approach Flashcards
What is the psycho dynamic approach about
This approach emphasises the active nature of mental processes and their role in shaping personalities and behaviour
Who developed the psycho dynamic approach
Sigmund Freud
What are the three key assumptions of the psychodynamic approach
- Human behaviour has unconscious causes that we are not aware of
- From birth human have a need to fulfil basic biological motivations
- childhood experiences are really important on the development of adult personality and psychological disorders
What are frauds three levels of consciousness
What is being conscious
This is what we are aware of at any given time
What is being preconscious
This is made up of memories that we can recall when we want to.
What is the unconscious
This is made up of extreme fears which cause us extreme anxiety and have therefore been repressed out of conscious awareness
What are Freudian slips
These are slips of the tongue believed to reveal a person’s secret thoughts from the unconscious
What are the three parts of the personality created by Freud
The ID
The superego
What is the ID
This is a primitive part of our personality this, it operates on the pleasure principle, it is a mass of unconscious drives and instincts this is only present at birth
What is the Ego
Works on the reality principle and is the mediator between the ID and SUPEREGO. Makes the person aware of other peoples feelings. It’s role is to reduce the conflict between the demands of the ID & super ego.
What is the super Ego
Formed around the age of five and is our internalised sense of right and wrong, represents the moral standards of the child’s same sex parent and punishes the ego for wrong doing
Why is the relationship between the Ego - super ego - ID often seen as an ice berg
The tip of the ice berg conscious part of the mind made up of the ego and super ego.
Below the surface of the water the unconscious mind it made up of small amount of ID and ego but mostly the super ego
What are the three defence mechanisms used by the ego
What is denial
you completely reject the thought of feeling and completely refuse of acknowledge some aspect of reality.