the psychodynamic approach Flashcards
what are the basic assumptions of the psychodynamic approach
1) behavior and feelings are controlled by the unconscious
2) behavior as adults are controlled by childhood experiences
3) personality is made up of three parts, id, ego, and superego
outline the role of the unconscious in behaviour
1) believed that our everyday actions and behaviors are controlled by the unconscious
2) it is believed the mind actively prevents traumatic memories from the unconscious from reaching conscious awareness using defense mechanisms
define defence mechanisms
unconscious strategies that protect our conscious mind from anxiety, they are involved in the distortion of reality so we are better able to cope with situations
list the types of defence mechanisms
1) repression
2) denial
3) displacement
outline repression
the unconscious blocking of unacceptable thoughts and impulses. These repressed feelings influence behavior with out the individual being aware of the reasons behind the behavior
outline denial
the refusal to accept reality so as to avoid having to deal with any painful feelings that may be associated with that event, the person acts as if nothing happened
outline displacement
involves the redirecting of thoughts or feelings in situations where a person feels unable to express them to a person or object they perceive as helpless
outline the id
1) operates solely in the unconscious
2) contains the libido which is the biological energy created by reproductive instic
3) operates according to the pleasure principle, demanding instant gratification regardless of circumstance
outline the super ego
1) the conscious
2) the internalization of societal rules determining which behaviors are allowed
3) causes feelings of guilt when rules are broken
outline the ego
mediates between impulsive demands of the id and the reality of the external world
list the different psychosexual stages
1) oral 0-2 years
2) anal 2-3 years
3) phallic 3-6 years
4) latent 6-12 years
5) genital 12+ years
what are the psychosexual stages of development
1) the idea that personality develops through a sequence of 5 stages
2) emphasizes the importance of expressing libido
3) Freud said an individual experiences tension due to the build-up of sexual energy and pleasure of discharge
4) each stage the energy is expressed in different ways
outline the oral stage
1) the mouth becomes the focal point of sensation
outline the anal stage
1) beginnigs of ego dveleopment
2) child becomes aware of the demands pf others
3) major issue at this stage is toilet training as the child learns to control the expulsion of bodily waste
outline the phallic stage
1) sexual energy now in teh geintals
2) Oedipus complex begins in which the male child unconsciously wishes to possess the mother and rid of the father
3) as a result the child experiences castration anxiety as they believe the father will punish them for this
4) in an attempt to resolve this the child identifies with the father
outline the latent stage
1) child develops mastery of the world d
2) during this stage conflicts and issues of previous stages are forgotten and repressed
3) as a consequence the child is unable to fully remember early years of child hood
outline the genital stage
1) the cumulation of psychosexual development and the fixing of sexual energy in the genitals
2) this eventually directs to sexual intercourse and beginnings of adult life
evaluate the psychodynamic approach
1) real-world application- psychoanalysis
2) gender bias
3) psych determinism vs free will
4) research support- fisher and Greenberg