The Protestant Party and the King - Somerset and Northumberland Flashcards
How old was Edward VI when he was crowned?
When was Edward VI crowned?
31st January 1547
Who was delcared Protector in 1547?
The Duke of Somerset
When was the Battle of Pinkie and who led it?
September 1547; Duke of Somerset
When does Northumberland launch a coup against Somerset?
October 1549
What does Northumberland become in 1550?
Lord President of the Privy Council
When was the treaty of Boulogne and which Duke made it?
1550; Northumberland
When was Somerset executed
How did Somerset try to solve the financial crisis?
Debasing the coin and increasing taxation (on sheep)
Describe the Vagrancy Act (1547)
Any able-bodied person who was out of work for more than three days was branded with a V and sold into slavery and their children would be removed and placed into apprenticeships
When was the Vagrancy Act?
What proclamation did Somerset introduce that inadvertently exacerbate the economic problems in the countryside?
In what year did Somerset kidnap the king and where did he take him?
1549; Windsor Castle
Who was set the task of solving the economic problems under Northumberland?
William Cecil and Thomas Gresham
What was enclosure?
Fencing off land for private use and preventing it being used by anyone to graze their sheep
What did Henry do to ensure that Edward would not suffer the same fate as the princes in the tower in the last century?
Coronation to take place soon after his ascension and a balanced Privy Council
Who did Somerset target for marriage for Edward to ensure the succession?
Mary, Queen of Scots
How many marks did England secure for the return of Boulogne to France as part of the 1550 Treaty of Boulogne?
What unpopular laws and practices were repealed by Northumberland in response to the 1549 rebellions?
Vagrancy Act; sheep tax and the enclosure commissions