The problem of evil Flashcards
Mackie’s inconsistent triad
The idea that an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God is not compatible with evil and suffering.
Epicurus’ logical problem of evil
If God knows about our suffering, cares about it and can do something about it, then there shouldn’t be any suffering.
Quote for Epicurus
‘Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent’
Why might someone claim that Mackie’s inconsistent triad disproves God’s existence completely?
It suggests that his qualities would be self-contradictory - if his attributes are mutually exclusive then he cannot exist.
What are Mill’s examples of evil and suffering?
Animals suffer
Humans suffer
Nature makes people suffer
What does Mill believe about the evidential problem of evil?
He disagrees with the teleological argument and claims that God cannot represent infinite goodness as we observe evil in the world.
Why is W.Rowe against God?
He says why would an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God allow pointless animal suffering eg. a fawn dying in a forest fire.
What does Alston say about the problem of evil?
We cannot understand God as human perspective is so limited - we perceive only part of the full picture.
Why is Plantinga for God?
He says that God chooses to limit himself to allow for us to have free will.
Why is Dostoyevsky against God?
He says that a God who allows the extent of innocent suffering is not worth worshipping.
He creates a character who ‘returns his ticket to heaven’.
Logical problem of evil
A deductive argument which aims to show that the existence of evil is logically inconsistent with the existence of the God’s attributes of omnibenevolence, omnipotence and omniscience.
Evidential problem of evil
The belief that evidence of suffering and evil in the world proves that God cannot be loving.
What is Hume’s argument on the evidential problem of evil?
Hume claims that all we have evidence for is imperfectness in the world - it therefore cannot be justified to believe in a perfect God.
Why does Augustine believe that evil exists?
Because Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Evil, this meant that bad actions and wrong choices became a part of humans.
Therefore, evil exists because we created it and thereby deserve it.
What does ‘privation of good’ mean and who said it?
Augustine believes that evil is simply an absence of good.