The Polymerase Chain Reaction Flashcards
What is needed for the reverse transcription of RNA into cDNA?
Reverse transcriptases from a range of RNA viruses require a small DNA primer and a target RNA strand.
These reverse transcriptases will then initiate the production of the DNA copy of the RNA.
As DNA polymerases cannot copy an RNA template this represents an essential step prior to PCR from an RNA source.
What is the purpose of using reverse transcription PCR?
Reverse transcription PCR enables the amplification of a specific messenger RNA from a sample for the purposes of its detection, cloning or quantification.
For quantitative measurements RT-PCR is usually performed as a quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) using real time measurements of the amplification process.
What is the major advantage of using quantitative PCR?
It allows for accurate estimation of the amount of target sequence within a sample.
Accurate comparisons between samples offers offers great benefit if variation in a chromosomal copy number or mRNA level has bearing on disease status.
What are the problems in estimating the amount of target sequence within a sample using conventional PCR?
Estimates using conventional PCR, where the amount of product in the reaction tube was observed at the end of a series of cycles, either by gel electrophoresis or other means, were subject to many problems.
For example, when the end point of the reaction is reached the PCR reaction itself becomes limited and reaches a non-exponential amplification phase or ‘amplification plateau’. At such points estimates of relative copy number are extremely unlikely to be accurate.
What methods were developed to get around the problems encountered in detecting the quantity of PCR product accurately?
Quantitative PCR methods that monitored the PCR reactions at each cycle were developed.
This got around the fact that by the linear and plateau phases of PCR the amount of PCR product no longer accurately reflects the number of target copies initially in the sample (and therefore could not be measured as a representation of quantity).
What is reverse transcription PCR?
Reverse transcription PCR describes the process whereby RNA from a cell is first converted into cDNA, which is then used as a template for exponential amplification using RT-PCR.
Most commonly the reverse transcription step is performed and then the sample is taken for PCR.
What do you need for PCR?
DNA template, DNA primers, dNTPs, DNAP, Buffer, Thermal cycler.
What are the main steps in the PCR reaction?
1) . Primary denaturation.
2) . Denaturation at 94 degrees Celsius where the dsDNA become ssDNA.
3) . Annealing of primers to ssDNA at 54 degrees Celsius.
4) . Extension phase at 72 degrees Celsius where the polymerase adds dNTPs from 5’ to 3’ to create two double strands.
5) . Final extension.
What are DNA primers?
Oligonucleotide sequences that deter in the specificity of DNA amplification.
For most PCR procedures you will require 2 primers of different sequences designed to anneal to complimentary strands of template DNA.
How would you go about designing a primer?
The first step is to determine the sequence of the region of the DNA of interest. Deciding the exact primer sequence you are going to use should always take into account:
1) . The length and base composition of the sequence.
2) . The melting temperature of the primer (Tm).
3) . The 3’ terminal sequence.
4) . The ability of the primers to base pair to themselves or other primers used in the reaction.
Primer sequences should be specific for sequences flanking the target region.
What is the optimum primer length?
18-25bp as it is long enough to give good specificity.
What should the base composition of a good primer be?
The base composition of primers should be roughly equal composition of each nucleotide and should have an overall GC content of 40-60%.
What types of sequences should be avoided when designing primers?
Repetitive stretches of the same nucleotide should be avoided as this can lead to slipping of the primer on the template and can reduce specificity. All four nucleotides should be evenly distributed.
What is the melting temp (Tm) of the DNA?
The Tm of the DNA is the midpoint on the transition between double stranded and single stranded DNA (where half the DNA is ds and half is ss).
What is the Tm of a primer?
The Tm of a primer is the temperature at which half the primers on the PCR mix are annealed to the target template creating double stranded stretches, while the other half are free in solution.
How can the Tm of a primer be calculated?
The Tm of primers up to 20nts long can be roughly calculated by adding the numbers of bases in the primer and applying the following formula:
Tm = [(number of C+G) x 4degreesC + (number of A+T) x 2degreesC]
This formula reflects the fact that the GC base pairs are more stable than AC base pairs due to their greater hydrogen bonding.
How is the annealing temperature (Tm) of the primer theoretically calculated?
The Ta of the primers is deemed to be 5degreesC less than the highest primer Tm in the primer pair.
A pair of primers with similar Tms should be chosen so that an annealing temperature that will work for both can be selected.
Although Tm and Ta calculated values are a useful indication of melting and annealing temperatures for the reaction, in practice is usually necessary to determine the optimum temperatures empirically.
What region of the primer sequence is the most critical for specific amplification and why?
The last 3 bases of the 3’ end of the primer is the mos critical for the specific amplification as this is the end that the polymerase extends from and should exactly match the target sequence.
When designing primers the 3’ end should be selected to avoid known polymorphic sequences.
What might happen if the 3’ end of a primer is able to base pair with itself or another primer on the reaction?
The 3’ end must not allow base pairing to itself or another primer in the reaction as this can lead to primer dimers. A primer dimer is the product of primer extension either on itself or the other primer in the pair.
As primer dimers contain one or both of the primer sequences and their complimentary sequence they provide excellent templates for further amplification. These smaller products are also amplified far more efficiently and sequester primer away from the intended target sequence.
What can happen it you have runs of 3 or more Gs or Cs at the 3’ end of a primer?
It can lead to mispriming in GC rich regions of the template DNA.
What should the final 3’ base of a primer ideally be?
The final 3’ base should ideally be a G or a C as they have the strongest complementarity and can aid specificity of annealing to the target sequence.
As and Ts should be avoided in the last few bases at the 3’ end of the primer.
Why should primers be designed to avoid regions of internal complementarity?
Inverted repeats and self complementarity sequences of more than 3bp may cause secondary loop structures where part of the primer has base paired with itself creating a double stranded region.
What software can help you design primers?
Primer 3 online,
Commercial software,
Can also run in silico PCR at UCSC genome browser.
Why must the DNAP used be thermostable?
DNAP must be thermostable in order to withstand the high denaturation temperatures. This enables repeated amplification cycles to take place with a single addition of enzyme when the reaction mixture is made.
Give 2 examples of DNA polymerase enzymes that may be used on PCR.
1) . Taq DNAP - works at 72-75C, lacks proofreading 3’-5’ but has very good processivity and is a good general purpose enzyme.
2) . Pfu DNAP - retains proofreading activity but has lower activity. Can be enhanced by mixing with thermostable factors such as Pfu turbo.
What are Hot Start enzymes?
Hot Start enzymes are inactive until the first denaturation step in the PCR cycle. This prevents any extension occurring at room temperature during PCR setup when primers may be bound nonspecifically to DNA.
Non specific products generated before exponential amplification during PCR will be amplified along with your desired product.
How can polymerases be improved?
By modification or mixing with other enzyme.
How are PCR products traditionally analysed?
Products are traditionally visualised using horizontal gel electrophoresis.
Agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide or sybr green.
The speed at which molecules pass through the pores on the gel depends on the size and charge of the molecules. Smaller DNA fragments will pass through the pores more quickly than larger ones. DNA will separate into bands across the gel according to size.
Describe some of the limitations of PCR.
If a large quantity of product is needed it might be better to clone the product.
The size of your product may have a bearing on the success of your PCR reaction. Standard PCR reactions are efficient on smaller fragments less than 2kb. Enzyme mixes for long range PCR fragments between 5-20kb are available.
PCR may be inhibited by a wide array of compounds derived from DNA samples or reagents used to extract the DNA template. Haemaglobin and heparin both inhibit PCR as do ethanol, SDS and proteinase K.
What elements of the PCR reaction require optimisation?
1) . DNAP choice
2) . Annealing temperature Ta
3) . Mg2+ concentration
4) . Primer to template ratio
5) . Additives
What might you want to consider regarding DNAP optimisation?
What is the best enzyme choice for your desired product?
Do you need 3’-5’ proof reading activity for a high fidelity product? Or a mixture for very long products?
Some enzyme modifications are designed to increase the specificity of the reaction. Hot start enzymes are inactivated by chemical modifications such as wax barriers or Taq directed antibodies. Inactivation prevents low levels of polymerase activity at room temperature from creating products resulting from non-specific primer binding. Such small fragments that may otherwise be produced are amplified efficiently and can reduce the amount of target DNA at the end of the reaction. Generally a prolonged incubation at 94C before the first cycle in the PCR reaction is enough to activate the hot start enzyme.
Why is optimising the annealing temperature (Ta) of the enzyme important? How can this be done?
If the Ta is too high then the reaction may fail to amplify product. If the Ta is too low then non-specific product will be produced.
The Ta may be optimised by setting up multiple identical reactions and using a thermocycler which can be set to produce a temperature gradient. This enables the simultaneous testing of various temperatures over a defined range.
A touchdown PCR technique may also be used. It initially starts with the Ta higher than the primer Tms and during the PCR reaction the Ta is lowered in a stepwise fashion to below the Tm. This ensures that specific primer binding occurs before any non-specific annealing. Reduces the possibility of forming non-specific products
How does Mg2+ help the PCR reaction? How is Mg2+ optimisation carried out?
Magnesium ions in the PCR reaction exist as dNTP magnesium complexes which interact with the DNA backbone in the template and affect polymerase activity
Polymerase activity is dependant upon the amount of free magnesium in the reaction.
Altering the dNTP concentrations will alter the magnesium concentration in the reaction.
If the magnesium concentration is too low then the product yields are likely to be low. Excess magnesium can reduce the fidelity of the polymerase and lead to the generation of non-specific products.
A magnesium optimisation strategy may be to adjust the standard buffer concentration so that the magnesium concentration varies between 0.5mM and 5mM in 1mM or 0.5mM steps.
What might be the outcome if Mg2+ concentration is not optimised in a PCR reaction?
If the magnesium concentration is too low then the product yields are likely to be low. Excess magnesium can reduce the fidelity of the polymerase and lead to the generation of non-specific products.
True or false? Primer to template ratio is an important consideration as this will affect the specificity and net gain from your PCR reaction.
What might you change in your PCR reaction in order to improve specificity?
Increase Ta, Optimise primer design, Use additives, Use hot start enzyme, Reduce Mg2+ concentration.
Describe sources of PCR contamination.
Contamination may occur due to an unwanted template being present.
Unwanted template may come from microbial contamination of tubes or reagents, plasmid or phage DNA.
Contamination of PCR product with original template or previously amplified amplified DNA can occur if good laboratory practice is not observed. Must use distinct pre and post PCR work areas to prevent this.
How can PCR contamination be avoided?
Designated PCR set up area in a different room from that used for analysis.
Use of UV cabinets.
Use of fresh gloves and lab coats for pre and post PCR work.
Aliquot reagents and do not reuse,
Use designated pipettes with filter tips.
What are the diagnostic applications of PCR?
1) . Detections of pathogens: detection of infectious bacteria and viruses, RT-PCR to detect viral load.
2) . Detection of tumour markers using.
3) . Detection of mutations associated with single gene defects.
In the exponential phase of the PCR reaction the amount of product is proportional to the amount of template. True or false?
If you want to determine the amount of template originally in a reaction then end point analysis is not an appropriate measure. What would be a more appropriate measure?
The threshold cycle (Ct) value would give a more appropriate indication. The lower the Ct the earlier the reaction enters the exponential phase and therefore the more target originally present.
Describe the dyes that may be used for PCR product detection in real time.
The most simple detection methods involve intercalating dyes that will fluoresce strongly once associated with double stranded DNA.
More sophisticated approaches use a variety of fluorescent dye / fluorescent quencher probes which only fluoresce when the probe encounters and hybridises to its target DNA sequence within the PCR amplicon and by one means or another separates the fluorophore from its proximity to the quencher.
The underlying principle of dye/quencher probes (also known as dual labelled probes) is that of FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer).
Describe the principle of FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer).
If a fluorophor is excited by a given wavelength of light it will emit light at a different (usually longer) wavelength. If however it is put in close proximity to a second fluorophor which has its excitation range within the emission spectrum of the first fluorophor, the second fluorophor will absorb the energy from the first fluorophor and re-emit it at the emission wavelength of the second fluorophor.
Therefore, if the second fluorophor does not emit light at a wavelength that is detectable by the sensor used, the fluorophor 1/fluorophor 2 pair and fluorophor 1 dye give ‘off’ and ‘on’ signals respectively, purely as. Result of their proximity to each other.
Taqman probes are commonly used in Real Time PCR detection systems. Describe how they function as a detection system.
Taqman probes are dual labelled probes.
1) . Taqman probes are designed so that they anneal to one strand of the DNA in a position between the two primers used in PCR.
2) . During extension the DNAP extends from the 3’ end of both primers. The 3’ end of the probe is modified so that extension cannot occur from this position.
3) . As extension occurs from the primer that is bound to the same DNA strand as the probe, the probe is displaced from the DNA.
4) . The 5’ to 3’ exons lease activity of the DNAP cleaves the probe which results in the release of the reporter dye. Separation of the reporter and the quencher results in the reporter emitting the fluorescent signal.
5) . This process occurs in each cycle and does not interfere with the exponential accumulation of PCR product.
6) . The increase in fluorescent signal is measured cycle by cycle and directly correlates with the amount of product formed.
List 5 common reporter dyes used for Quantitative real-time PCR.
1) . FAM
2) . HEX
3) . TET
4) . JOE
5) . VIC
What are the two commonly used quencher dyes in Quantitative real-time PCR?
1) . TAMRA
There are a number of reporter dyes available that have only a minor overlap in emission spectrums. How can they be utilised?
The minor overlap in emission spectrums from these dyes makes it possible to perform multiplex PCR, reporting on several different targets at the same time.
Describe the problems with the Taqman probe approach and some of the solutions that have been developed to overcome these problems.
Reporter dye quenchers suffer from a number of drawbacks. TAMRA has its own inherent fluorescence. DABCYL has a relatively poor spectral overlap between fluorescent dye and quencher. Both of these problems result in a relatively poor signal-noise ratio.
Black hole quencher molecules have been developed to overcome these drawbacks. These quenchers have no native fluorescence which results in a lower background. This increases the signal-noise ratio and provides higher sensitivity. They absorb the energy from reporter dyes and release it as heat rather than fluorescence. These quenchers can be used with a variety of reporters and are more effective than traditional quenchers TAMRA and DABCYL.
How would you go about designing probes for use in a Taqman assay?
Primers should be designed as they would for any other PCR. Amplicons should be small at 50-750bp. Use a computer programme such as primer 3.
What should the Tm for a Taqman probe be and why?
The Tm for Taqman probes should be approximately 10C higher than for primers. This will ensure that the probe is bound to DNA prior to extension from the primers. If the primer extends before the probe is bound there will be no change in fluorescence despite a new product being formed.
Why is it important that there is no G at the 5’ end of the Taqman probe?
Because the chemical structure of Guanine can quench the reporter.
Why is it important that the 5’ end of a Taqman probe be located as close to the 3’ end of the primer as possible?
This ensures immediate displacement and cleavage by the polymerase. It ensures the new product is detected as soon as it forms.
There are many previously reported and validated Taqman probe sets. Where might you find information about these?
The PT Primer database.
NCBI database is also a good source of info including primer and probe sets available from commercial sources.
Sybr green is a dye that can be used in Quantitative real-time PCR instead of using dual-labeled probes. Describe Sybr green and its use.
Sybr green is a dye that can bind the minor groove of double stranded DNA. This binding greatly influences the fluorescence that is emitted by the dye.
If Sybr green is included in a PCR then the increase in fluorescence will mirror the exponential increase in the amount of double stranded DNA product.
Sybr green can be used with any pair of primers and with any target.
It is cheaper and requires less specialist knowledge than the design of labelled probes. However, a disadvantage is that non-specific PCR product will also be detected.
Sybr green detection will also detect non-specific PCR products. What can we do to discriminate between specific and non-specific PCR products?
To discriminate between specific and non specific PCR products a melt curve or dissociation curve analysis has to be performed at the end of the cycling conditions. This analysis is performed by slowly increasing the temperature from 40-95C with continual monitoring of the fluorescence level. The fluorescence decreases as product is denatured. PCR products of different lengths and sequence will have different melting temperatures which result in distinct peaks when plotted by RT-PCR software.
The melt curve for non-specific primer dimers will show that they melt at much lower temperatures than the specific product.
What are the 2 main methods of Quantitative real-time PCR quantification and interpretation?
1) . Standard curve method.
2) . Comparative Ct method.
Describe the standard curve method of Quantitative real-time PCR quantification and interpretation.
In the standard curve method a sample of known concentration is used to make a dilution series which is then used as a standard curve in the PCR reaction.
Plasmids containing the region being targeted, in vitro transcribed DNA and in vitro synthesised ssDNA and cDNA may all be used to construct a dilution series.
The concentration of these DNA or RNA samples can be measured and then converted into the number of copies using molecular weight.
For absolute concentration and quantification of mRNA expression, absolute standards such as in vitro transcribed RNA have to be used. However, this is labour intensive and not widely used. More commonly seen are cDNA plasmid standards where a cDNA fragment has been cloned into a plasmid vector. Using these as standards will only result in a relative quantification as variation in the efficiency of the reverse transcription step are not controlled for.
Plotting the Ct of an unknown sample on a standard curve allows for estimation of quantity. The Ct is the number of cycles for the fluorescence to exceed background. It is inversely proportional to the amount of target nucleic acid in the sample.
When creating a standard curve by serial 2-fold dilutions of the standard sample two consecutive points will have a Ct difference of 1. Ct values from serial 10-fold dilutions will have a difference of 3.3.
The slope of the standard curve is a measure of PCR efficiency.
The R^2 value indicates how well the line fits the data and should be as close to 1 as possible.
The Y intercept measures sensitivity. The lower the Ct at this point the more sensitive the reaction is.
We will usually assume that the sample that has the lowest Ct value on a RT-PCR plot has the greater amount of target. However, we must rule out discrepancies in total RNA in the RT reaction, or pipetting errors leading to less target in the PCR. For this reason many studies will include a housekeeping or normalisation gene to account for differences in RNA loading. These genes should be expressed at a constant level over a variety of conditions in order to be used for normalisation purposes. Common reference genes include HPRT, GAPDH and Beta-actin. If genes are good references and RNA loading is the same then their Ct values should be nearly equal.
Why do many RT-PCR studies using the standard curve method of interpretation include housekeeping genes?
We will usually assume that the sample that has the lowest Ct value on a RT-PCR plot has the greater amount of target. However, we must rule out discrepancies in total RNA in the RT reaction, or pipetting errors leading to less target in the PCR. For this reason many studies will include a housekeeping or normalisation gene to account for differences in RNA loading. These genes should be expressed at a constant level over a variety of conditions in order to be used for normalisation purposes. Common reference genes include HPRT, GAPDH and Beta-actin. If genes are good references and RNA loading is the same then their Ct values should be nearly equal.
What is the best standard to use to construct a standard curve for RT-PCR quantification and interpretation?
For absolute concentration and quantification of mRNA expression, absolute standards such as in vitro transcribed RNA have to be used. However, this is labour intensive and time consuming and not widely used.
More commonly are cDNA plasmid standards where a cDNA fragment has been cloned into a plasmid vector. Using these as standards will only result in a relative quantification as variations in the efficiency in the RT-PCR step are not controlled for.
Look at a Quantitative real-time PCR standard curve.
Look online.
What will be the Ct difference of two consecutive points in a standard curve created by serial 2-fold dilutions?
A Ct difference of 1.
What will be the Ct difference at two consecutive points of a standard curve created form serial 10-fold dilutions?
What is Ct?
Ct is the number of cycles for fluorescence to exceed background. It is inversely proportional to the amount of target nucleic acid in a sample.
What does the slope of a Quantitative real-time PCR standard curve represent?
The slope of the standard curve is a measure of PCR efficiency.
What does the R^2 value on a Quantitative real-time PCR standard curve indicate?
How well the line fits the data. Should be as close to 1 as possible.
What does the Y-intercept on a Quantitative real-time PCR standard curve indicate?
It measures sensitivity. The lower the Ct at the Y-intercept te more sensitive the reaction is.
Describe the comparative Ct method use for Quantitative real-time PCR quantification and interpretation.
The comparative Ct method is an alternative method to using standard curves.
This method calculates the relative expression levels compared to a calibrator. For example if we are looking at the changes in gene expression levels in tumour cells then the tumour cells will be the unknown and the normal cells will act as the calibrator.
The value of the target gene is also normalised to endogenous housekeeping or reference genes.
For this method to be applicable, the efficiency of the PCR for the target and reference must be approximately equal.
There is a specific equation that is to be used to work out the difference in the number of targets in the unknown sample compared to the calibrator sample - look up that equation in notes.
The equation is essentially 2 ^ - (delta Ct of sample - delta Ct of calibrator)
Where the delta Ct is the Ct of the target gene - the Ct of the reference gene.
In an experiment to look at RNA levels of a particular gene what would happen of genomic DNA was carried over into the RNA preparation? How would this be detected? How could we get over this?
Many commercial kits for DNA extraction contain steps to remove genomic DNA but there may still be traces carried over. This can be a problem as PCR is so sensitive. The reaction will amplify any template that contains the primer binding sites whether that is cDNA or genomic DNA.
The easiest way to get around this problem is to exploit the differences between genomic DNA and cDNA.
cDNA is a DNA copy of mRNA. It has no introns as they have been removed in the splicing process. If we design our primers so they are located in different exons then the product amplified from the genomic DNA will be much larger than that from the cDNA (I.e. Design primers that span introns).
If we were using Sybr green we would then use a melt curve to identify the two products (if both products amplify). Alternatively if we are using fluorescent probes, designing the probes so that they span the intron-exon junction will only bind cDNA. Genomic DNA may still affect the reaction even if their products can’t be seen though because DNAP may try to use genomic DNA as a template.
What are the applications of Quantitative real-time PCR on clinical microbiology?
Detection of viruses ad. Analysis of viral load,
Detection of bacterial pathogens,
Melt curves can be used to type viral strains (polymorphism detection).
What can Quantitative real-time PCR be used for in clinical oncology?
Detection of minimal residual disease, Chromosomal translocations (breakpoint primers in fusion genes) can also be performed on the transcripts of fusion genes such as BCR-ABL.
What can Quantitative real-time PCR be used for in molecular biology?
Quantification of gene expression,
SNP detection.
What are the limitations of using PCR quantitatively to infer gene expression levels from mRNA expression?
The main limitations of PCR are biological limitations.
RNA is not usually the end functional product in the cell, protein is. Therefore the RNA expression level does not necessarily indicate protein expression. Furthermore protein expression does not necessarily imply protein function.
The time scale experiments to look at gene expression may not be king enough to give mRNA changes.
A lot of mRNAs undergo alternate splicing so it is hard to know which splice variant to look at.
There is a lot of evidence that once an mRNA has bee transcribed that either its delivery into the cytoplasm or control of its translation have a big part to play in the final amount of that protein in the cell. We also have to take into account that there are micro RNAs in the cell that can help control the level of mRNA (post-transcriptional regulation).
There are also issues with post translational regulation. The amount of protein made may not actually relate to mRNA levels.
PCR gene expression assays using reverse transcription cDNA templates have a number of biological limitations. What is required before we can be sure of the implications of potential results seen by quantitative reverse transcription PCR assays?
Validation via protein detection and/or functional assays.
How might we validate PCR results using protein detection methods?
Validation using protein detection uses ELISA, western blotting, flow cytometry for surface proteins, flow cytometry for intracellular proteins, microscopy, confocal microscopy to detect the proteins for which mRNA gene expression levels indicates abundance changes.
If we have specific targets we can also examine the protein in an activated form and see how much of that is present in the cell.
How might functional assay be use to validate any results that we see in PCR?
Functional assays may be even more useful than protein detection. Examples include receptor ligand binding measurements, enzyme activity, detection of functional molecules (e.g. Cleaved or phos activated form), measurement of biological function via bioassay.
List some simple technical failures which affect quantitative PCR.
Sample quality, Inhibitors of PCR and efficiency measures, Contamination, Off-target proteins, Multiplexing, Amplicon target site and efficiency.
What are some of the technical limitations of quantitative PCR?
Inter and intra lab standardisations of method, reference samples, calibration, batch testing are very important to try and avoid variation between users.
If possible automation should be used, or all tests of a particular type should be performed by the same user.
Are cloned standards the same as the the real sample template?
Low copy number and stochastic influences can cause issues.
Low signal can affect ability to distinguish SNPs within a sample.
Another common technical limitation is what control targets to choose. It needs to be validated for your experimental condition. Should be a control that doesn’t show much variation. If the control is bad the significance of the target gene changes can be altered.
What are the benefits of multiplexing in PCR?
You can carry out PCR on a,l the references and tests on one tube,
Less waste,
Lower number of runs needed,
More specific than Sybr green (need probe)
What are some of the cons of multiplexing in PCR?
Just because the reactions work individually doesn’t mean they will work on a multiplex under the same conditions.
Needs validation as a multiplex.
Need to optimise to get good efficiencies as a multiplex.
Low Ct amplicon can outcompete a high Ct amplicon.
What are the main points to consider on validation of PCR?
1) . Validation of reference targets is required to make sure you are using the right reference for the sample you are analysing.
2) . Avoid common errors standardisation of procedures.
3) . Depending on what the PCR is measuring you may need further validation of the biological process outcome. For example measure mRNA then look at protein for validation.