The PNT Flashcards
What is operatic theatre?
A musical drama that combines acting with extensive music and dance.
How does operatic theatre differ from dance drama?
Dance drama usually lacks verbal dialogue, while opera includes sung dialogue.
What influences shaped operatic theatre in Nigeria?
Colonial experience, education, Christian religion, and socio-cultural experiences.
Who is Hubert Ogunde?
A prominent Nigerian dramatist known as the father of Nigerian theatre.
What was Hubert Ogunde’s first opera?
The Garden of Eden and The Throne of God.
What type of issues did Ogunde’s plays address?
Social and political issues.
What was the significance of the play ‘Human Parasites’?
It satirized the ostentation of the ‘Aso Ebi’ craze.
What happened to Ogunde after staging politically charged plays?
He was banned from performing in the Western region and was arrested in Jos.
What was the first play written by Ogunde that had all dialogue?
Princess Jaja.
Who was E. K. Ogunmola?
Another prominent dramatist who founded the Ogunmola Travelling Theatre.
What was Ogunmola’s breakthrough moment?
Receiving a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation after a performance observed by Robert July.
What was Duro Ladipo known for?
Founding the Duro Ladipo Theatre Group and adapting biblical stories for the stage.
Which play by Duro Ladipo won first place at the Berlin International Theatre Festival?
Oba Koso.
What is the Yeye tradition in Yoruba theatre?
A fun-making tradition used to satirize social issues.
How did Moses Olaiya’s theatre differ from that of his predecessors?
It was seen as farcical and socially irrelevant, focusing on humor and entertainment.