The Planets Flashcards
reveals an individual’s habits, emotional self, and expression. It questions, it is associated with home, family and domestic environment
The Moon
Parts of the body: stomach, digestive system, eyes, the liver, lymphatic system, female organs
The Moon
She is a feminine, nocturnal planet; cold, moist, and phlegmatic
The Moon
When ill: A mere vagabond, idle person, hating labor; a drunkard, a sot, one of no spirit or forecast, delighting to live beggarly and carelessly; one content in no condition of life, either good or ill.
The Moon
Detriment: Capricorn
Exalted: Taurus
Fall: Scorpio
The Moon
Ruler: Cancer
The Moon
She signifies queens, all manner of women, as also the common people, travelers, pilgrims, sailors, fishermen, fishmongers, brewers, tapsters, publicans, letter carriers, coachmen, huntsmen, messengers, mariners, millers, drunkards, and generally such women as carry commodities in the streets; as also midwives, nurses and water-bearers.
The Moon
Detriment: Aquarius
Exalted: Aries
Fall: Libra
The Sun
Ruler: Leo
The Sun
Parts of the body: heart, spine, arteries, eyes and the vital organs
The Sun
He is naturally hot and dry, is a masculine, diurnal planet, and equivalent if well dignified to a fortune.
The Sun
He signifies, kings, princes, emperors, &c. dukes, marquisses, earls, barons, lieutenants, deputy lieutenants of counties, magistrates, gentlemen in general, courtiers, desirers of honour and preferment. Justices of peace, mayors, high sheriffs, high constables, stewards of noblemen’s houses, the principal magistrate of any city, town, castle, or country village; goldsmiths, pewterers, coppersmiths, and minters of money.
The Sun
When ill dignified: arrogant and proud, disdaining all men, boasting of his pedigree; he is purblind [dim sighted, short sighted] in sight and judgment, restless, troublesome, domineering …. in actions; a spendthrift … and hanging on other men’s charity; yet he thinks all men are bound to him, because a gentleman born.
The Sun
Detriment: Sagittarius & Pisces
Ruler: Gemini & Virgo
this planet facilities communication, self-transformation, and because it is considered to combine both masculine and feminine qualities, it can help an individual achieve reconciliation between opposing personality traits. It rules all forms of communication and miscommunication. Retrograde: introversion, lacking confidence in communicating and expressing ideas.
Parts of the body: brain, imperfections in the tongue, central nervous system, thyroid gland, five senses, hands and feet
He generally signifies all literary men, philosophers, mathematicians, astrologians, merchants, secretaries, writers, sculptors, poets, orators, advocates, schoolmasters, stationers, printers, exchangers of money, attorneys, ambassadors, commissioners, clerks, artificers, … solicitors; sometimes thieves, prattling ministers, busy secretaries, … grammarians, tailors, carriers, messengers, footmen, usurers.
Manners when ill dignified.–A troublesome wit, a kind of phrenetic [frenetic, distracted, frantic] man, his tongue and pen against every man; … a great liar, boaster, prattler, busybody; … easy of belief, an ass or very idiot, constant in no place or opinion, cheating and thieving everywhere; a newsmonger, pretending all manner of knowledge, but void of true or solid learning …
the planet rules the female half of the human psyche and the inward turning of emotions. Its qualities are soft, loving, artistic, cooperative, creative and sensitive and is particularly important when considering close partnerships and relationships.
In its negative mode, the planet represents jealousy, envy and self indulgence.
Ruler: Taurus & Libra
Detriment: Aries & Scorpio
Exalted: Pisces
Parts of the body: throat, loins and kidneys, thymus gland, sense of touch, generative system
She is a feminine planet, temperately cold and moist; nocturnal
Musicians, gamesters, silkmen, mercers, linen-drapers, painters, jewellers, players, lapidaries, embroiderers, woman-tailors, wives, mothers, virgins, choristers, fiddlers, pipers: when joined with the y; ballad-singers, perfumers, seamstresses, picture-drawers, engravers, upholsterers, limners, glovers, and such as sell those commodities which adorn women
When ill dignified. Then he is riotous, expensive, wholly given to dissipation and lewd companies of women, nothing regarding his reputation, coveting unlawful beds, incestuous, an adulterer, fantastical … a mere lazy companion, nothing careful of the things of this life, or anything religious
the planet rules the male half of the human psyche and the outward turning of emotions.
rules outward desire, action, self-assertiveness, enterprise as well as war and implements of war and violence.
It a chart it represents the individual’s general energy level and how the individual seeks out and expresses his or herself to others.
Retrograde: difficulty in gathering energy to get things done.
Ruler: Aries & Scorpio
Detriment: Taurus & Libra
Exalted: Capricorn
Fall: Cancer
Parts of the body: head, adrenal glands, external generative organs, gall, muscular system, senses of smell and taste
Excessively hot an dry, nocturnal and masculine
When ill dignified.–Then he is a prattler, without modesty or honesty; a lover of slaughter and quarrels , murder, thievery, a promoter of sedition, frays [public disorder], and commotions ….
the planet represents expansion, widening horizons, growth, opportunity, fortune, finance and abundance.
Negatively, it represents going to excess through over-indulgence, over-confidence, or self-righteousness.
It is specifically associated with religion, law and philosophy
Ruler: Sagittarius & Pisces
Detriment: Gemini & Virgo
Exalted: Cancer
Fall: Capricorn
Parts of the body: liver, thighs, feet, growth, pituitary gland
He is a masculine planet, temperately hot and moist, and the greater fortune; author of temperance, modesty, sobriety, justice
He signifies judges, senators, counsellors, ecclesiastical men, bishops, priests, ministers, cardinals, chancellors, doctors of the civil law, young scholars and students in an university or college, lawyers, clothiers, woollen drapers.
When ill dignified…. then he wastes his patrimony [ancestral wealth>], suffers every one to cozen him, is hypocritically religious, tenacious, and obstinate in maintaining false tenets in religion; he is ignorant, careless, nothing caring for the love of his friends; … abasing [lowering] himself in all companies, insinuating and stooping where no necessity is.
stands for the principles of restriction and limitation and the giving of form.
provides structure, is the keeper of order and is the planet of time.
represents unadorned reality, depth of thought, discipline, perseverance, ambition, laws, justice, and administrators. It can also represent stagnation, fears, and misfortune.
Ruler: Capricorn & Aquarius
Detriment: Cancer & Leo
Exalted: Libra
Fall: Aries
Parts of the body: skin, hair, teeth, hearing, bones, the body’s defenses, spleen
Masculine, diurnal, cold and dry, melancholic, earthly, malevolent, the Greater Infortune, Author of solitariness.
farmers, clowns, beggars, old-men, fathers, grand-fathers, monks, Jesuits, … Curriers [dressing leather] night-farmers [the men who emptied the cesspits] miners under ground, potters, broom-men, plumbers, brick-makers, chimney-sweepers, sextons of churches, bearers of dead corpses, scavengers, coal miners, gardeners, candle makers, dyers of black cloth, an herdsman, shepherd or cow-keeper.
When ill dignified, he is envious, covetous, jealous, and mistrustful; timorous, sordid, outwardly dissembling [outwardly concealing (one’s real emotions, pretence], sluggish, auspicious, stubborn; a contemner [to view with contempt, despise] of women, a liar, malicious, murmuring; never contented, and ever repining.
considered a revolutionary planet that tears down order and established systems.
represents the need to be different, to be uniquely oneself, personal transformation, sudden changes and new possibilities, and the possibility of chaos.
It rules all new technology and scientific discoveries.
Modern Ruler: Aquarius
Parts of the body assigned by some: heart, parathyroid gland, neural activity, aura
electrician, scientist, metaphysician, astrologer, and uncommon professions of every kind
eccentricity, abruptness, originality, genius, and superior refinement and subtlety of ideas.
represents illusions, disillusions, and delusions as well as spiritual seeking and mystical truths.
rules dreams and visions, movies, self-sacrifice, charity, the spiritual side of religion, the intangible, confusion, escapism and deception.
Modern Ruler: Pisces
Parts of the body assigned by some: pineal gland, psychic healing
symbolizes the power of radical transformation and revolution.
rules the unconscious mind, deep instincts, and the underworld.
represents the power to create as well as the power to destroy.
Key concepts often used are power over, obsession, radical transformation and death and rebirth.
Modern Ruler: Scorpio
Moderately hot and dry, diurnal and masculine
The Sun
Represents vitality, life energy, prominence, visibility and authority
The Sun
The Sun
Represents men in general, the father or the husband
The Sun
Reveals where you “want to shine” or areas of life where others have authority over you
The Sun
Indicator of overal health
The Sun
Cool and moist, the wettest planet, the most nocturnal, the most feminine
The Moon
Reflective and Dependent
The Moon
Rules women in general, the mother or wife
The Moon
Nurturing, caring, tending, protective
The Moon
Changeable and unstable, moving most rapidly
The Moon
This planet varies according to its sign and any planets closely aspecting it
Associated with consciousness
A bridge or a divider, a mediator, messenger
Analyzing, interpreting, explaining
Trickster, devil’s advocate, fault finder, deceiver and a juggler
Rules commerce and money
Relates or binds things together
Beauty, aesthetics, the arts, balance, good proportions
Friendship, love, good will, attraction, a force that harmonizes and brings together
Cuts, burns, divides and pierces
hot, extreme energy
anger, hostility, aggression, assertion and drive
Rules soldiers, conflict and armies
Rules hot diseases - rashes, fevers, wounds, eruptions
A hard energy to control as it is NOT conscious, thoughtful, receptive or self-aware
Rules religion, spirituality, aspiration, ideals, philosophy and law
In balance = abundant growth
Out of balance = problems with excess
excessively cold and dry
blocks, divides, terminates, shrinks, chills, associated with obstacles, difficulty, fear and aversions
Associated with anything to do with time – form, growth, decay and death, the grim reaper when time runs out
crystallizes, gives final form, defines, limits, differentiates.
age, wisdom of age, old things in general, including the study of old objects
associated with old people, cemeteries, cold, dark places like cellars and caves, old houses, old authorities and old, rigid rules