The Planet Earth Flashcards
Most widely accepted theory of the Universe’s creation
The Big Bang Theory
Terrestrial Planets
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
Jovian planets/Gas giants
Jupiter and Saturn
Ice giants
Uranus and Neptune
A _________ is made up from clouds of gas and dust, and formed our solar system with our sun in the center.
A ____________ disk accreted to form planetary masses. Eg. The Earth
2 classification of the Earth’s innermost part
Inner and Outer Core
The cool and hard surface of the mantle
Compressed Waves
Waves that shakes slowly
TRUE or FALSE: Silicon, Aluminum, Magnesium, and Iron form above the Earth’s core because they are lighter minerals.
The largest layer, includes the lithosphere and the asthenosphere, and is made up of flexible viscous liquid.
______ currents are the ones causing the crust to split in plate tectonics
Geological phenomena in which a plume of molten rock rises from the mantle to the crust.
Mantle Plumes
Consist of the crust and upper mantle, also referred to as “hard brittle rock”.
Layer of molten rock underneath the lithosphere, and is part of the mantle that moves.
Innermost part, and is made up of mostly iron and other metals
Solid part of the core
Inner core
Liquid part of the core
Outer core
Earth-centered model of the universe
Sun-centered model of the universe
Layer of gasses that surrounds and protects life on Earth
The Atmosphere
Made up of the living things, and is also called the “Life Zone”
Mass of water on, under, and above Earth’s surface, helps moderate the Earth’s climate
Outermost solid rocky part of the Earth
Water rises up to the atmosphere, condenses, then forms clouds
Water Cycle
Circulation of nitrogen in various forms of nature
Nitrogen Cycle
Land Biomass and Fossil Fuels emits carbon which travels the atmosphere
Carbon Cycle
A phenomena wherein gasses and ash is sent to the air, as well as lava and ash to the ground
Volcanic Eruption
State of gravitational equilibrium between the Earth’s lithosphere and asthenosphere wherein plates float at an elevation depending on the thickness and density.
Different topographic heights are accommodated by lateral changes in rock density.
Pratt Model
Different topographic heights are
accommodated by changes in
crustal thickness in which the
crust has a constant density.
Airy Model
The lithosphere acts as an elastic plate
and its inherent rigidity distributes
local topographic loads over a broad
region by bending
Who are the people(4) that first proposed the Nebular Hypothesis?
Emanuel SWEDENBORG, Immanuel KANT, PIERRE-SIMON, and Marquis de LAPLACE
How long ago was the universe started to form?
13.7 Billion Years Ago
When did the Earth start to form
4.6 Billion Years Ago
When did the milky way start to form.
4.8 Million Years Ago