The Plague - Albert Camus Flashcards
Collation of new vocabulary and remarks
“In autumn, on the contrary, there are [inundations] of mud.”
flooding/ over flowing
“But perhaps it is time to have done with [preliminaries] and [caveats], and turn to the story it self.”
Preliminaries - something that precedes an event as a preparatory or introductory
caveats - a warning
“wearing a suit with makeup to disguise her [pallor]”
a pale ghostly appearance
“The measures were far from [draconian] and it appeared a good deal had been done to avoid upsetting public opinion”
Draconian - (of laws or their application) excessively harsh and severe.
name after “Drakon”,statesman of Athens, known for his severe punishments for the elect.
“The [preamble] to the [decree] announced that a few cases of [pernicious] fever had been detected in the [commune] of Oran”
Preamble - a preliminary or preparatory statement; an introduction.
Decree - An official order by law
Pernicious - having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
Commune - a group of people living together and sharing possessions and responsibilities.
[admittedly, similar to “community” but implies a greater emotional linkage to share work and responsibility rather than a relationship brought out through commonness and frequency]
“In normal times, we are all aware, consciously or not, that there is no love which cannot to be surpassed, yet we accept with a greater or lesser degree of [equanimity] that ours shall remain merely average.”
Pg. 59.
Equanimity - a state of evenness and composure in difficult situations especially
“Here too, the most authentic of sufferings were [habitually] translated into the [banal] cliches of conversation. “
Pg 60.
Habitually - by way of habit; customarily
Banal - So lacking in originality as to become boring
“Thus at the very heart of the epidemic they presented a [salutary] detachment that people were inclined to mistake for cool-head composure.”
Pg. 60
Salutary - beneficial or health giving; especially as an outcome of dire or unpleasant circumstancs
“On the whole, they were not cowardly, joking with each other more often than [bewailing] their fate, and pretending to accept with good humour discomforts that would clearly not last”
Pg. 62
Bewailing - expressing great regret or sadness towards or over
“Here he had warmly defended a demanding form of Christian which rejected both modern liberalism and [obscurantism] of previous centuries.”
Pg. 72
Obscurantism - the practice of deliberately preventing the facts or full details of something from becoming known.
“Only after the remainder of the [oration] did the people realise that, by a clever rhetorical device, like a boxer delivering a blow, the priest had [imparted] the theme of his entire sermon at a single stroke.”
Pg. 73
Oration - a formal speech, especially one given on a ceremonial occasion.
Imparted - make (information) known.
bestow (a quality).
“In the vast 1[granary] of the universe, the [implacable] 1[flail] will thresh the human corn until the 1[chaff] is divided from the 1[grain]. There will be more chaff than grain, more called than chosen, and this misfortune was not willed by God. - Father Paneloux
Pg. 74
1[] = allegory from Mathew 3:12, similar to the parable of the sheep and goats.
Granary is a store for threshed grain used for feed.
flail - a threshing tool consisting of a wooden staff with a short heavy stick swinging from it.
chaff, grain - chaff is a dry cover on grain that needs to be beaten off and is considered waste
Implacable- unforgiving and fair[in this sense]
“And we, deprived of the light of God, will [languish] for a long time in the darkness of the plague!” - Father Paneloux
Pg. 74
Languish - Grow weak , lose vitality
Then the priest expanded even more on the [poignant] image of the flail.
Poignant - touching or evoking sadness or regret
“This very [scourge] that [assails] you, rises you up and shows you the way” - Father Paneloux
Pg. 76
Scourge - Punishment or thing that causes suffering
Assails - Challenges or attacks