The Physical Environment Flashcards
Why is productivity important?
It is needed to sustain life - plant biomass and organic matter
What is NPP?
Net Primary Production
How do you calculate NPP?
Gross Primary Production (GPP) minus Respiration (R)
How is energy transferred from producers to consumers?
Through trophic levels. Sun > plant > mouse > hawk > death of hawk > decomposers, etc.
What regulates the NPP pattern?
Nutrient availability
climate - temperature
solar radiation
Where is NPP highest in oceans?
Upwellings - nutrients from dead organisms brought to the surface
Coastlines - runoff, shallow waters give more sun access, higher temperatures
Why do tropical regions have poor soils?
The plants hold most of the nutrients. Higher temps and heavy rain expedite decomposition, and established plants quickly take it up.
What four spheres are used to classify the World?
What is produced during photosynthesis?
Glucose. Some glucose is used for respiration, and the rest is used to make new material - biomass
What determines the structure of ecosystems - how complex they are and how many trophic levels
NPP. High production leads to ecosystems containing many trophic levels.
How do humans affect NPP?
We use it for food directly and indirectly
We use it for fuel, housing, clothing, medicine, etc.
About 20% of the world’s NPP is for human use
NPP is reduced by paving over lands with buildings or roads, burning for for agriculture, etc.
What are world biomes?
Large terrestrial regions with distinct climate and species adapted to the climate
Name some world biomes
Polar Tundra Boreal Temperate Forest Tropical Rainforest Savanna Temperate Grassland Chaparral Desert
Polar Tundra
North of the Arctic Circle No Trees Cold climate Shallow, mostly frozen soil short growing season
Located in subarctic Longer growing season than tundra Acidic soils Dominated by few coniferous trees Fire important - opens pine cones to release seeds
Temperate forest
Located in Northern Europe, Eastern China, Eastern North America
Longer growing season than boreal
Dominated by deciduous trees
More nutrients than boreal
Tropical Rainforest
High rain and temperature all year No dormant season High diversity Poor diversity Poor soils
Located north and south of tropical rainforests in Africa and South Africa.
Warm temps year round, dry season
Dominated by grassland, some trees
Many grazing animals
Temperate Grassland
Located in Eurasia, Australia, Central North America, Southern South Africa
Temperature varies seasonally, dry summers
dominated by grassland
Deep soils
Located in Mediterranean, California, Chile, SW Australia.
Hot, dry summers, cool, moist winters.
Low shrubs, trees adapted to arid summers, fire.
Located where evaporation exceeds precipitation.
Temperatures vary
Little vegetation
Species adapted to growth during rain periods