Magna Carta for Small Enterprises
define operating boundaries can carry out their affairs while at the same time
protecting the interest of consumers.
Fair Trade Laws
An Act Providing Assistance to Women- Recognizes the special role of women in
developmental and supports women entrepreneurship who are engaged in manufacturing, processing, service and trading business.
R.A. 7882
Business Name Registration – protects an enterprise guaranteeing exclusive use of is registered name, goodwill, and patronage that it represents
R.A. 3883
reserves the business of direct selling it the ultimate consumer to 100% Filipino owners.
Retail Trade Act of 1954
lowering the tariff structure to encourage technology innovations among SME’s by lowering the cost of imported equipment.
E. O.’s 264 & 288
Omnibus Investment Code - welcomes private investments whether local or foreign into the Philippine economy. Incentives are given to economically desirable projects listed in the annual
investment priorities plan.
. E. O. 226
decentralization of services to the regions and increasing participation of the local government.
Decentralization / Localization