The periodic table Flashcards
Name the gas produced when lithium reacts with water. [1]
Which ion causes the solution to be alkaline? [1]
hydroxide (OH -)
Suggest two differences you would see between the reactions of potassium and lithium with water. [2]
- reacts / dissolves faster
- bubbles / fizzes faster
- moves faster
- melts
- produces flame
What evidence did Mendeleev use to decide that the alkali metals should be in the same group? [1]
similar properties
Describe how the elements in the modern periodic table are arranged:
(i) in terms of protons. [1]
(ii) in terms of electrons. [1]
- in order of atomic number
- elements in the same group have same number (of electrons) in the outer shell
State two properties of transition elements that make them more useful than alkali metals for making water pipes. [2]
- stronger / harder
- less reactive
- higher melting points
Describe and explain the trend in reactivity of the alkali metals (Group 1). [4]
- reactivity increases down group
- outer electron is further from nucleus
- less attraction between outer electron and nucleus…
- …therefore outer electron lost more easily
In the periodic tables, Newlands and Mendeleev arranged the elements in order of ________. [1]
atomic weights
Name the particle that allowed the elements to be arranged in order of their atomic number in the modern periodic table. [1]
Copper and potassium have different melting points and boiling points. Give one other difference between the properties of copper and potassium. [1]
- has a higher density
- is stronger
- is harder
- is less reactive
Explain why the reactivity of the elements increases going down Group 1 from lithium to rubidium but decreases going down Group 7 from fluorine to iodine. [4]
- relative distance from nucleus
- relative attraction to nucleus
- relative ease of gain or loss of electron
- opposite explanation of ease of gain or loss of electron for other group