The Parable Of The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) Flashcards
What did the robbers do when the attacked him?
Stripped him, beat him and left him half dead
Who saw the man but did not help him?
It so happened that a priest was walking by but when he saw the man he walked on the other side of the road
Other than the priest who else saw the man and what did he do?
A levite also came along, he went over to look at the man and then crossed over to the other side
Who’s heart filled with pity when he saw the man?
The Samaritan
What did the Samaritan do when he saw the man?
Poured oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them
What did the Samaritan do after her bandaged the mans wounds?
He put him on his own beast and took him to an inn where he took care of him
How much did he pay the innkeeper the next day and what did he say to him?
He paid the innkeeper two silver coins and said “take care of him, and when i walk back this way i will pay you whatever else you spent on him”
What did Jesus conclude?
‘In your opinion, which one of these three men acted like a neighbour towards the man attacked by the robbers?’ The teacher of the law answered ‘the one who was kind to him’ and Jesus replied ‘You go then and do the same’
Where was the man who was robbed going?
Jerusaleum to Jericho