The Oxford 5000 B2 Part1 Flashcards
abandon v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.1
absolute adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.2
academic n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.3
acceptable adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.4
accompany v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.5
account v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.6
accurate adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.7
accuse v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.8
acknowledge v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.9
acquire v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.10
actual adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.11
adapt v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.12
additional adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.13
address v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.14
administration n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.15
adopt v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.16
advance n., v., adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.17
affair n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.18
afterwards adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.19
agency n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.20
agenda n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.21
aggressive adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.22
aid n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.23
aircraft n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.24
alarm v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.25
alter v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.26
amount v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.27
anger n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.28
angle n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.29
anniversary n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.30
annual adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.31
anxious adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.32
apparent adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.33
apparently adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.34
appeal n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.35
approach n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.36
appropriate adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.37
approval n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.38
approve v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.39
arise v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.40
armed adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.41
arms n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.42
artificial adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.43
artistic adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.44
ashamed adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.45
aspect n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.46
assess v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.47
assessment n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.48
associate v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.49
associated adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.50
association n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.51
assume v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.52
attempt n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.53
back v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.54
bacteria n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.55
bar v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.56
barrier n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.57
basically adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.58
battle v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.59
bear (deal with) v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.60
beat n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.61
beg v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.62
being n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.63
bent adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.64
bet v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.65
beyond prep., adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.66
bill v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.67
bitter adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.68
blame v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.69
blind adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.70
bond n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.71
border v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.72
breast n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.73
brief adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.74
broad adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.75
broadcast v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.76
budget n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.77
bullet n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.78
bunch n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.79
burn n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.80
bush n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.81
but prep.
The Oxford 3000 B2.82
cable n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.83
calculate v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.84
cancel v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.85
cancer n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.86
capable adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.87
capacity n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.88
capture v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.89
cast n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.90
catch n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.91
cell n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.92
chain v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.93
chair v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.94
chairman n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.95
challenge v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.96
characteristic n., adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.97
chart v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.98
chief adj., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.99
circumstance n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.100
cite v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.101
citizen n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.102
civil adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.103
classic adj., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.104
close1 n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.105
closely adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.106
collapse v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.107
combination n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.108
comfort n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.109
command n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.110
commission n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.111
commitment n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.112
committee n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.113
commonly adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.114
complex n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.115
complicated adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.116
component n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.117
concentration n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.118
concept n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.119
concern n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.120
concerned adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.121
conduct v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.122
confidence n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.123
conflict n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.124
confusing adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.125
conscious adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.126
conservative adj., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.127
consideration n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.128
consistent adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.129
constant adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.130
constantly adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.131
construct v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.132
construction n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.133
contemporary adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.134
contest n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.135
contract n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.136
contribute v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.137
contribution n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.138
convert v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.139
convinced adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.140
core n., adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.141
corporate adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.142
council n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.143
county n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.144
courage n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.145
crash n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.146
creation n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.147
creature n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.148
credit v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.149
crew n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.150
crisis n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.151
criterion n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.152
critic n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.153
critical adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.154
criticism n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.155
criticize v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.156
crop n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.157
crucial adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.158
cry n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.159
cure v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.160
current n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.161
curve n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.162
curved adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.163
date v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.164
debate n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.165
debt n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.166
decent adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.167
declare v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.168
decline v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.169
decoration n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.170
decrease v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.171
deeply adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.172
defeat v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.173
defence n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.174
defend v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.175
delay v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.176
deliberate adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.177
deliberately adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.178
delight v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.179
delighted adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.180
delivery n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.181
demand n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.182
demonstrate v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.183
deny v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.184
depressed adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.185
depressing adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.186
depth n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.187
desert v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.188
deserve v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.189
desire n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.190
desperate adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.191
detail v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.192
detailed adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.193
detect v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.194
dig v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.195
disc n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.196
discipline n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.197
discount v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.198
dishonest adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.199
dismiss v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.200
display v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.201
distribute v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.202
distribution n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.203
district n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.204
divide n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.205
division n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.206
document v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.207
domestic adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.208
dominate v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.209
downwards adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.210
dozen n., det.
The Oxford 3000 B2.211
draft n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.212
drag v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.213
dramatic adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.214
edit v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.215
edition n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.216
efficient adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.217
elderly adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.218
elect v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.219
elsewhere adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.220
emerge v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.221
emotional adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.222
emphasis n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.223
emphasize v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.224
enable v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.225
encounter v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.226
engage v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.227
enhance v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.228
enquiry n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.229
ensure v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.230
enthusiasm n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.231
enthusiastic adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.232
entire adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.233
entirely adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.234
equal n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.235
establish v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.236
estate n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.237
estimate v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.238
ethical adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.239
evaluate v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.240
even adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.241
evil adj., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.242
examination n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.243
excuse n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.244
executive n., adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.245
existence n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.246
expectation n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.247
expense n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.248
exploration n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.249
expose v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.250
extend v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.251
extent n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.252
external adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.253
extraordinary adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.254
extreme n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.255
facility n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.256
failure n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.257
faith n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.258
fault n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.259
favour v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.260
feather n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.261
fee n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.262
feed n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.263
feedback n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.264
feel n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.265
fellow adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.266
figure v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.267
file v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.268
finance n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.269
finding n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.270
firm n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.271
fix n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.272
flame n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.273
flash n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.274
flexible adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.275
float v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.276
fold n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.277
folding adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.278
following prep.
The Oxford 3000 B2.279
forgive v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.280
former adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.281
fortune n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.282
forward adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.283
found v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.284
free v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.285
freedom n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.286
frequency n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.287
fuel v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.288
fully adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.289
function v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.290
fund n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.291
fundamental adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.292
funding n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.293
furthermore adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.294
gain v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.295
gang n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.296
generate v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.297
genre n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.298
govern v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.299
grab v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.300
grade v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.301
gradually adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.302
grand adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.303
grant v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.304
guarantee v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.305
handle v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.306
harm n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.307
harmful adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.308
hearing n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.309
heaven n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.310
heel n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.311
hell n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.312
hesitate v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.313
high n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.314
hire n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.315
hold n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.316
hollow adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.317
holy adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.318
honour n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.319
host v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.320
house v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.321
household n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.322
housing n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.323
humorous adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.324
humour n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.325
hunt n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.326
hunting n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.327
hurt n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.328
ideal n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.329
illustrate v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.330
illustration n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.331
imagination n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.332
impatient adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.333
imply v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.334
impose v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.335
impress v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.336
impressed adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.337
inch n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.338
incident n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.339
income n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.340
increasingly adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.341
industrial adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.342
infection n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.343
inform v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.344
initial adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.345
initially adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.346
initiative n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.347
inner adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.348
insight n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.349
insist v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.350
inspire v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.351
install v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.352
instance n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.353
institute n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.354
institution n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.355
insurance n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.356
intended adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.357
intense adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.358
internal adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.359
interpret v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.360
interrupt v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.361
investigation n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.362
investment n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.363
issue v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.364
joy n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.365
judgement n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.366
junior adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.367
justice n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.368
justify v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.369
labour n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.370
landscape n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.371
largely adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.372
latest n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.373
launch v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.374
leadership n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.375
league n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.376
lean v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.377
leave n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.378
level v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.379
licence n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.380
limited adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.381
line v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.382
lively adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.383
load n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.384
loan n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.385
logical adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.386
long-term adj., adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.387
loose adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.388
lord n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.389
low n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.390
lower v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.391
lung n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.392
maintain v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.393
majority n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.394
make n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.395
map v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.396
mass n., adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.397
massive adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.398
master n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.399
matching adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.400
material adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.401
maximum adj., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.402
means n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.403
measurement n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.404
medium n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.405
melt v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.406
military adj., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.407
mineral n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.408
minimum adj., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.409
minister n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.410
minor adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.411
minority n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.412
mission n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.413
mistake v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.414
mixed adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.415
model v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.416
modify v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.417
monitor n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.418
moral adj., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.419
motor n., adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.420
mount v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.421
multiple adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.422
multiply v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.423
mysterious adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.424
narrow v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.425
national n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.426
neat adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.427
negative n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.428
nerve n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.429
nevertheless adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.430
nightmare n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.431
notion n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.432
numerous adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.433
obey v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.434
object v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.435
objective n., adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.436
obligation n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.437
observation n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.438
observe v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.439
obtain v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.440
occasionally adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.441
offence n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.442
offend v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.443
offensive adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.444
official n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.445
opening n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.446
operate v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.447
opponent n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.448
oppose v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.449
opposed adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.450
opposition n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.451
organ n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.452
origin n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.453
otherwise adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.454
outcome n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.455
outer adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.456
outline n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.457
overall adj., adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.458
owe v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.459
pace n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.460
package v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.461
panel n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.462
parliament n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.463
participant n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.464
partly adv.
The Oxford 3000 B2.465
passage n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.466
patient adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.467
pension1 n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.468
permanent adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.469
permit v., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.470
perspective n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.471
phase n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.472
phenomenon n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.473
philosophy n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.474
pick n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.475
picture v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.476
pile n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.477
pitch n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.478
plain adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.479
plot v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.480
plus1 adj., n., conj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.481
pointed adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.482
popularity n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.483
pose v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.484
position v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.485
positive n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.486
possess v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.487
potential adj., n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.488
power v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.489
praise n., v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.490
pregnant adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.491
preparation n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.492
presence n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.493
preserve v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.494
price v.
The Oxford 3000 B2.495
prime adj.
The Oxford 3000 B2.496
principle n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.497
print n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.498
priority n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.499
privacy n.
The Oxford 3000 B2.500