The Outer Solar System Flashcards
What can be concluded from the size of Jupiter’s bulge at the equator?
Jupiter has a dense core 5-10 times that of Earth
What is true about the Great Red Spot on Jupiter?
A - it moves at the same rate as the planets core
B - it is the only storm on the surface of the planet
C - it is due to convection cells on the surface
D - it gets its colour from the clouds on top of the storm
What is true about Ganymede?
A - it is the largest moon in the solar system
B - it is the most geologically active object in the solar system B
C - it rotates with twice the period of IO
D - it has a large crater of 3000km diameter called Valhalla
What is true about Saturn’s rings?
A - they are outside the Roche limit
B - they are solid objects of ice and rock
C - they are caused by shepherd moons
D - they are made up predominantly of water ice particles
Which of the following about Uranus is true?
A - Uranus has an axis of rotation that is inclined to 98° to the orbital plane
B - Uranus radiates 2.7 times the amount of heat it receives
C - Uranus has a magnetic field that is weaker than earths magnetic field
D - Uranus has an axis of rotation that is inclined to 28° to the orbital plane
Which if the following is true about Triton?
A - triton is a moon of Uranus
B - the mass of triton is larger than europa
C - triton has active geysers of nitrogen
D - triton has a surface temperature of 133K
How were Uranus’s rings discovered
Stellar occultation
Where is Eric’s found
In the Kuiper Belt
What can be said about the gaps observed in the asteroid belt?
They are known as Kirkwood gaps
Why does Jupiter have a non-spherical shape?
Because it rotates rapidly
What makes up Jupiter’s magnetosphere?
Accelerating electrons and protons
What is Europa’s surface like?
Composed of rocky deposits and water ice
What is true about the rings if Saturn?
A - made of dust
B - found at Lagrange points
C - found outside the Roche limit
D - formed due to tidal forces
Why does Neptune have a larger surface temperature than Uranus
Because it has an internal heat source and methane in the atmosphere traps heat
The rings of Uranus
A - are held by shepherd moons
B - a thousands of kilometres across
C - are speared by small gaps 10km wide
D - were observed by stellar enhancement
A - is 20 times larger than Charon
B - is tidally locked to Charon
C - is the last of the 9 planets
D - is not a dwarf planet
What is not a Kuiper Belt object?
A - ceres
B - Pluto
C - Charon
D - Eric’s
What are the Kirkwood gaps?
Under populated regions of asteroids in the asteroid belt
What are in the nuclei of comets?
Dust, methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide and ice
What is the magnetosphere of Jupiter caused by?
The spinning and the metallic hydrogen core
What is the volcanic activity on Jupiter a consequence of?
Tidal forces exerted by Jupiter and its moons
What is the Cassini division in Saturn caused by?
A 2:1 resonance with Mimas
A - has a prograde orbit
B - maintains a thin nitrogen atmosphere
C - has methane lakes near the poles
D - displays tectonic activity
The Cassini spacecraft and Huygens probe studied the surface of titan and found?
Ice volcanoes venting methane into the atmosphere
Explain the magnetic field of Uranus
Tilted with respect to the axis of rotation by 60°
What is Charon
The moon of Pluto
Where do S type asteroids dominate?
The inner regions of the asteroid belt