The Open Economy Pt. 2 Flashcards
Characteristics of the medium-run equilibrium for the open economy:
- supply side is in equilibrium (WS = PS), no inflationary pressure
- unemployment at equilibrium values
- demand side in equilibrium
- domestic interest rate does not deviate from world interest rate
What is the supply curve called in the open economy?
ERU curve - equilibrium rate of unemployment curve; because unemployment is in equilibrium and inflation is constant (no inflationary pressure)
Is there an inflationary pressure in the MRE?
No. ERU implies that in the medium run equilibrium, inflation is constant, since W (ps) = W (ws)
Graphical representation of the MRE supply curve (ERU):
- the point of intersection between WS and PS dictates the equilibrium rate of unemployment (ERU) at constant inflation
- the ERU curve is vertical in this case
- while y is on the horizontal axis, the ERU is plotted against the log real exchange rate - q - vertically
What does the ERU curve plot?
- The ERU curve shows: combinations of (log) real exchange rate (q) and real output y at which wPS = wWS
- at any point on the ERU curve, inflation is constant
What is the algebraic expression of the ERU curve?
- ERU curve : y = ye
- y = ye (zW, zP)
Why does the ERU curve shift?
- ye will shift with wage push and price push factors (zW and zP)
- ye shifts when either the WS or the PS curve shifts
How is the demand curve deducted in the open economy?
By combing the open economy IS curve and the UIP curve.
What is the open economy IS curve?
yt = At - a r(t-1) + b q(t-1)
The IS curve incorporates net exports. The impact of net exports is experienced with a one-period lag.
How does the IS curve look like after incorporating the UIP condition (that q and expected q are equal, and home interest rates do not deviate from world interest rates?
Y = A - ar* + bq
What does the open economy aggregate curve depict?
The medium-run AD curve shows combinations of (log) real exchange rate (q) and real output y at which the goods market is in equilibrium.
The AD curve is upward sloping (showing a positive relationship between depreciation and aggregate output).
How does the adjustment (as a result of either a supply shock or a demand shock) work in the medium-run open economy?
- r is tied to r*
- therefore, as a shift in one of the curves, there is either a depreciation or an appreciation, as well as a change in equilibrium unemployment and equilibrium output.
How do q and r respond to a shock in a small open economy?
- the medium run interest rate r is pinned down by r*
- q moves in response to a shock
What is the RX curve?
It is the interest-exchange rate curve.
How is the RX curve useful for the Central Bank?
The RX curve shows CB’s best real interest rate response, taking into account the forex market’s reaction.