The One And Only God Flashcards
What is between Egypt and Mesopotamia?
there is a land of deep valleys and rich pastures.
what did the herdsmen do in the deep valleys and rich pastures?
they planted vines and cereals, and in the evenings they sang songs, as country people do.
What would happen to the land of the deep valleys and pastures?
First it would be conquered and ruled by the Egyptians and then the Babylonians would invade.
Who did the the herdmen worship?
Their own special protector and leader. His different names were “One and Only God,” “Creator of heaven and earth, sun and moon, land and river, plant and beast, and all of mankind as well.”
Who were these strange and powerless herdsmen?
The strange and powerless herdsmen were the Jews.
what were the songs of the Jews deeds?
They were the deeds of their god, are the Old testament of the Bible.
Where did Abraham come from?
The answer is in the book of Genesis, in chapter eleven. He came from Ur in Chaldees.
Where is Ur located?
It’s the mound of rubble located near the Persian Gulf, where they dug up all those ancient things like harps and game-boards and weapons and jewelry.
During what time did Abraham live?
He lived during the time of Hammurabi. Around 1700 BC.
Where can you find the answer to where Abraham lived? And in what chapter?
The answer is in the Book of Genesis, in chapter 11.
What happened to the people who tried to build the big tower to reach heaven?
God was angry at their pride and stopped them building any higher by making them all speak different languages so that they could no longer understand one another.
What is another name for Babylon?
Where is he story of Noah and the flood set?
It’s set in Mesopotamia
Who was one of Abraham’s descendents?
Joseph son of Jacob.
What is Joseph’s story?
“whose brothers took him to Egypt and sold him, despite which he became a counselor and minister to the pharaoh.”
Who did God make his first appearance to?
To the jews.
How did God represent himself?
With the ten commandments.
What happened during Solomon’s reign?
“Their kingdom split into two: the kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah.
What happened to the kingdom of Israel in 722 BC?
It was invaded by the Assyrians. Conquered and destroyed.
What was the same sermon that God would “speak through” with the men who rose among the Jews?
“You yourselves are the cause of your misfortunes. God is punishing you for your sins.”
What did King Nebuchadnezzar do in 586 BC?
He marched through the promised land, where he destroyed the city of Jerusalem and put out the eyes of King Zedekiah, and led the Jews in captivity to Babylon.
When was the Babylonian empire destroyed?
In 538 BC
What was so special about the Jews?
The weren’t just a part of history, they MADE history.
How did the Jews shape history?
They shaped history with their religion.
What would the Jews do in the evenings?
they would sit beside the campfire and sing songs about their deeds and their battles, they sand the songs of his deeds and his battles.