The Odyssey - everything Flashcards
Reese on Polythemus
“disregarding the sanctity of the threshold”, Ody shows bad xenia in entering the cave uninvited
helped themselves”
“caked with blood…
like a mountain lion.” simile, shows extreme strength + glory for killing suitors (including priest Leodes)
“you seem a man…
of great sense.” Odysseus shows respect for Amphinomus
“respected no-one…
and fell to the gods and their own infamy.” Eurycleia on the suitors “it was their villainy that started it all” (general Homer)
Finley on Penelope
“a moral heroine… the embodiment of goodness and chastity”
Tyrpanis on epic hero
“the epic hero is… great only when he defeats great adversity
Selby on xenia
“Homer demonstrates that xenia was a way of gauging the level of civilisation in a community.”
“a bond between the ‘self’ and the ‘other’.”
“Nobody’s killing…
me now, by fraud and not by force!” Polythemus, play on words, shows Odysseus’ trickery
“There’s no…
escaping it” Theoclymenus telling Eurymachus that fate had already marked them out to suffer.
Jones on the odyssey
‘makes the household rather than the battlefield the centre of its world’