The Odyssey Flashcards
First stop on the trip home. This is where the Trojan war ended after 10 years.
Ismara (Cicones)
Odysseus and his men looted this city. He lost many men trying to return to the ships after the crew decided to sleep on the beach the previous night. Afterwards driven off course by harsh storms.
Island of the Lotus Eaters
The natives of this island caused the scouting party to sleep and forget about going home from the lotus fruit. Odysseus forced them to return to the ship after a couple of days.
The Island of Polyphemus
The cyclops that lives on this island captured Odysseus and his crew. They escaped but intoxicating him and blinding him with a stake. Poseidon is enraged by this and curses Odysseus to travel the sea for 10 years.
God of the sea, curses Odysseus to travel the sea for 10 years.
Home of Aeolus, the god helped Odysseus and his crew for a month and gave him a bag filled with all the winds to take them home. The crew opened the bag thinking it was gold.
God of the winds, gave Odysseus a bag with all of the winds, except the west, to take him home. The bag was opened by the crew thinking it was gold.
Upon the arrival of the ships, the Laestrygonians attacked with boulders causing all of the ships to sink except one.
Natives of the island Telepylos.
Island where Odysseus men was turned into pig by eating cheese and wine by Circe. Hermes warned Odysseus and gave him moly to resist the magic of Circe. Impressed by this, Circe agreed to change the men back in exchange for Odysseus’s love. They stayed at the island for a year.
A witch-goddess who turned Odysseus’s men into pigs.
Drug used to resist Circe’s magic.
Messenger of the gods, warns Odysseus about Circe and gives him the moly.
The Underworld
World of the dead, Odysseus is sacrificed and goes to find a old profit, Tiresias, to learn how to appease the gods and return home.
The old prophet that tells Odysseus how to appease the gods.
The Sirens
Women like creatures who lure sailors to their death. Odysseus was curious about what the Sirens sounded like so he instructed the crew to fill their ears with beeswax and tie him to the mast. Odysseus thrashed around until the ship was far enough away, in which he was released and calmed down.
Six headed monster the ships have to pass. While passing Scylla devours six men on the ship.
Whirlpool that ship must avoid in order to go home.
Island full of the sacred cattle of Helios. Disobeying Odysseus’s and Tiresias’s orders, the crew killed and ate some of the sacred cattle. Helios’s daughters then told their father, causing him to destroy the ship and kill everyone except Odysseus.
Island of Calypso, where Odysseus was forced to stay for seven years until Athena made Zeus intervene. Zeus ordered Hermes to tell Calypso to let Odysseus go.
In a small raft, Odysseus drifted and was hit by a storm. He washed up to this island and was found by Naussicaa, princess of the island. She entertained him while taking him home to Ithaca.
After 10 years Odysseus arrives at his home, Ithaca.