The Objectives of Government Economic Policy Flashcards
What are macroeconomic objectives?
Aims and objectives that any government wish to achieve for an economy
What are economic policies?
Tools and methods used to influence the macroeconomy
What are the main macroeconomic objectives?
Economic growth, price stability, minimising unemployment and a stable balance of payments on current account
Others- Balance budget and equitable distribution of income
- Importance changes over time
What is used to measure national economic performance?
Economic Growth
Balance of Payments
Balancing the Budget
Equitable Distribution of Income
What is Economic Growth?
- Measures the rate of change of a country’s output
- Key measure is GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP), which calculates the sum of a country’s output over 1 year
- A crucial goal of macroeconomic performance
Why is Economic Growth an objective?
- Job creation
- Rising incomes
- Improved SOL
- Improved international competitiveness of the UK economy
- Multiplier and accelerator benefits
- Lower GS on job seekers allowance and benefits
- Tax revenues are likely to ^ allowing the G to re-invest
What is Unemployment?
- Represents a waste of resources
- High unemployment is an indicator of poor economic performance
- Strong EG= low unemployment
What are the benefits of low unemployment?
- ^ consumption and aggregate demand
- ^ incomes
- Improved SOL
- ^ tax revenue for government
- Lower government spending on unemployment related welfare
- Improved productivity of UK economy
- Reduced poverty (absolute and relative)
- Social benefits (reduced crime, improved wellbeing)
What is Inflation?
- The “rate of change of average prices in an economy” as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
- It affects the value of £s in your pocket,
- Wage depends on it
- High, or rising inflation, damages the real value of money and erodes spending power
What is BoP?
- This measures the UK’s record of economic activities with other countries
- Imports and exports
- If Exports > Imports = Surplus
- If Imports > Exports = Deficit
- Current account wants surplus
How much does BoP matter?
- In the UK- Surplus in our trade in services, deficit in goods
- The UK has had a sustained and persistent deficit
- More imported goods= ^ SOL
- Imports= Lower costs
What is Balanced Budget?
- The value of the government spending compared with the money earned by the government through taxation over a period of time
- Preferred= Government expenditure and the value of taxation to be the same as each other so that the government’s budget is balanced
What is Equitable Distribution of Income?
- How evenly incomes are shared between individuals and households across the economy
- Not equal in households
- Means that a large gap between rich and poor does not expand
Can objectives lead into one another?