The Normal Lung Structure Flashcards
What is the Bony Thorax consist of?
Parts of the Sternum
Xiphoid process
Curved bones
that form the ribcage, providing
protection to the organs in the
thoracic cavity.
How many pairs of ribs are there?
12 pairs of ribs
Why is the 11th and 12th ribs called the floating ribs?
No anterior articulation with the sternum.
Why is the 8th-10th ribs are called false ribs?
Because they have indirect articulation with the sternum via costal cartilages.
Set of vertebrae in the spine that
correspond to the thoracic
region of the back.
Thoracic vertebrae
Encompasses the structures that
enclose the thoracic cavity,
providing support and protection
to the vital organs within.
Chest wall
These muscles play a crucial role in
facilitating the expansion and
contraction of the thoracic cavity,
allowing movement of air, in and out of the lungs.
Respiratory mucles
A dome-shaped muscle, located
at the base of the thoracic cavity,
separating the thoracic cavity
from the abdominal cavity.
The main respiratory muscle
A pressure difference between the atmosphere and the lungs.
Pressure gradient
These are muscle located at between the ribs. What are the 2 types?
Intercostal muscles
- Internal intercostal muscles
- External intercostal muscles
These muscles assist during
certain situations or increased
respiratory demand.
Accessory respiratory muscles
Muscles in the neck, and abdominal muscles?
Abdominal muscles:
Rectus Abdominis
External obliques
Refer to the passages through
which the air travels as it moves
in and out of the respiratory
It is categorized into 2?
Upper respiratory tract
Lower respiratory tract
The space inside the nose______
A muscular tube that connects the
nasal cavity and the mouth to the
larynx and esophagus_______.
Also known as the voice box which
is located at the top of the trachea_____.
Upper respiratory tract:
Nasal cavity
________ includes,
Also known as the windpipe.
a tubular structure that is composed of cartilage rings_______.
The trachea branches into ______, one for each lung these ______ further divides into smaller _______ and bronchioles within the lungs.
Are smaller air passages within the lungs that branch out from the bronchi______.
Are tiny units where gas exchange happens_______.
Lower respiratory tract:
4 Functions of the airway?
- Conduction of air
- Filtration, Warming, and Humidification.
- Gas exchange
- Protection
The _________________work
to ensure the proper drainage of
fluids, removal of waste products,
and participation in the immune
response to protect the
respiratory system from infections
and other threats.
Respiratory Lympathics
higher airway resistance
requires ?
More effort of breathing
airway resistance can be
measured clinically using
techniques such as ___________
which assesses lung function
and airflow.
airway resistance is generally
during ?
inhalation than exhalation
the ________________________can constrict/dilate,
affecting the resistance to
Smooth muscles surrounding the airways
1.) major determinant of airway
2.) main site of airway resistance is
typically in the?
- Airway diameter
- smaller bronchioles
if the chest wall has reduced
compliance, it may require more
effort to expand the lungs.
Chest wall compliance