The Nitrogen Cycle Flashcards
Most common form of Nitrogen?
- In the atmosphere as the “inert” gas N2
- 6 electrons are shared, 3 pairs
- three covalent bonds
- tripple bond
- very strong and unreactive
About Nitrogen:
- Along with carbon, most important element for life
- In protein
- Limits photosynthesis (nutrient)
- Has more physical and chemical sttes than any other bioelement
- Has the most complex cycle
- Also large influence on climate and ozone (stratospheric and tropospheric)
Breakdown of N2
- Microbes in soil use organic carbon CH2O as energy source to break down N2 into ammonia NH3
- That is called fixed nitrogen and can be absorbed by plants.
What is the Haber-Bosch process?
- One of the greatest inventions ever
- N2 + 3H2 -> 2(NH3)
- Fossil gas currently provide the cheapest source of H, but could be produced from H2O with CO2 free electricity.
Good and bad with nitrogen fertilization:
- More food
- 50% of human fixed N is lost, more GHG
What does reactive N emissions come from?
- Food and trasport
- In EU 85% of N emissions from food (while only producing 50% of the eaten N in food)
2 really bad emmitters:
- Diesel cars NOx
- Beef production (only a fraction of used N is left in end product)
How inefficient is beef production?
23 N -> 1 N (22 units are lost)
- one reason is offspring rate (1 calf per year)
Increase in N2O?
- 20% looking back 1 million years
Possitive and negative effects from high N inputs:
- High food crop yields
- > spares land
- > good for climate and biodiversity
- 50% is lost -> detrimental env. changes
- > smog
- > ozon layer effects
- > eutrophication (övergödning)
How is NOx produced?
- Thermal NOx: N2 + O2 2NO
temp > 1300 degC - Fuel NOx: (complex) Organic N -> NO & N2
part that becomes NOx increse with temp - Prompt NOx: Air N2 + CHrad (from fuel) -> NOx
What is good and bad with high temp in combust engines?
- High temps are necessary for high efficiency
- High temps give more NOx
- Cleaning technologies can convert NOx into N2
Why is there more NOx with diesel?
- More O2 than needed (Lots for N2 to react with)
- Very high temp (2000 degC)
- Hard to “clean” with high O2 conc in exhaust gas
What is the cleaning process of N in combustion called?
- Pyrodenitrification