The near future! - Future Proche Flashcards
To be going to + infinitive
Aller (present tense) + verb (infinitive)
I’m going to go to the cinema.
Je vais aller au cinema.
You’re going to read.
Tu vas lire.
On va faire quoi, demain?
What are we going to do tomorrow?
Vous allez étudier.
You’re going to study.
We’re going to eat pasta.
Nous allons manger des pâtes.
Ils vont tomber
They’re going to fall.
Future proche with reflexive verbs
Aller + (me/te/se/nous/vous/se) + infinitive
Je vais me lever tôt
I’m going to get up early.
Tu vas t’habiller
You’re going to get dressed.
We’re going to wake up.
Nous allons nous réveiller
Elle va s’amuser
She’s going to have fun.
Vous allez vous asseoir
You’re going to sit down.
Mes jumelles vont s’appeler Léa et Zoé
My twin girls are going to be called Léa and Zoé
The reflexive pronoun needs to match the ____ of the verb (who’s doing the action)
I’m not going to do your work for you anymore.
Je ne vais plus faire ton travail pour toi.
Il ne va jamais arrêter.
He’s never going to stop.