The Nazis Rise to Power Flashcards
What did the Decree of P of the P and S allow?
Imprisonment without trial,
abolition of freedom of the press, speech and assembly
When was the Decree for the .. P P AND STATE issued?
What did the Nazis use the Decree for?
Restrict campaigning by other parties
Wha date was Hitler appointed chancellor?
30 Jan, 1933
What was the Enabling Act?
Gave Hitler dictatorial powers and the Hitler Government the power to change laws and constitution
Who voted against the Enabling Act?
SPD- The social Democratic Party
What date was the Enabling act issued?
23 March, 1933
What are five ways Germany was Nazified
- Nazi courts trade unions abolished un german books burned attacks against jews Nuremberg laws of 1933
What are five other ways Germany was Nazified
Anti-nazi and jews unempoyed several parties banned concentration camps Education used as nazi propoganda Hitler youth
Road to preparing for war…
- hitler needed support from the army leaders
- Ernest Rohm and other SA members who wanted SA uniting with regular army were killed
- Night of Long knives
- Hindenburg dies
What was the Night of Long Knives and what date?
30 June, 1934
Where hitler used the SS to murder SA members and other political opponents
Justified by SA planning an uprising
What did all the murders on the Night of long knives do?
close relationship b/w nazi and army
When did Hindenburg Die?
August 2nd, 1934
What happened when Hindenburg died?
Hitler became Fuhrer
What does the SA mean and what were they?
Sturmabteiling- Nazi paramilitary wing
What is the SS?
Another paramilitary Nazi force
Who was Alfred Hugenberg?
controlled 700 newspapers and used the power to blame Germanys problems on the Jews
Who was General Ludendorff?
virtual military dictator of Germany, persuaded the Kaiser to transfer power to a civilian government and demand that Germany seek an armistice