The Nature of Waves Flashcards
What is a progressive wave?
-Carries energy from place to another without transferring any material
-The transfer of energy is in the same direction as the wave is travelling
-The source of the energy loses energy
How can you recognise when a wave is carrying energy?
-EM waves cause things to heat
-Xrays and gamma rays knock electrons out of their orbits, causing ionisation
-Loud sounds cause large oscillations in air particles which can make things vibrate
-Wave power can be used to generate electricity
What is displacement?
-How far a point on the wave has over from its undisturbed position
What is amplitude?
-The maximum magnitude of the displacement
What is wavelength?
-The length of one whole wave cycle
What is a time period?
-The time taken for a whole cycle to complete
What is frequency?
-The number of cycles per second passing a given point
What is phase and the phase difference?
-A phase is the measurement of the position of a certain point along the wave cycle
-The difference is the amount tone wave lags behind another
-Measured in degrees or radians
What is an oscilloscope?
-A cathode ray oscilloscope measured voltage, displayed as voltage over time
-The displayed wave is called a trace
-The screen is split into squares called divisions
-The voltage axis is controlled by the gain dial
-The seconds axis or the timebase, is controlled by the timebase dial
How do you alter the timebase?
-If you plug an AC supply into an oscilloscope, you get a trace which goes up and down in a regular pattern, some positive, some negative
-A microphone converts sound waves into electrical signals
What is a transverse wave?
-All EM waves, ripples on water or strings
-At right angles to the direction of travel
-Give a sine wave
-If the displacement is greater than behind the point, the particle will have to move up
What is a longitudinal wave?
-Are vibrations along the direction of travel
-Sound waves (340m/s)
-Consists of alternate compressions and rarefactions of the medium it’s travelling through
-These cause pressure variations in the medium
What is compression?
-When the molecules are closer together, increasing the pressure at that point
What is rarefaction?
-When the molecules are further apart, decreasing the pressure at the point
What is reflection?
-The wave is bounced back when it hits a boundary, and can be demonstrated in a ripple tank