The nature of economics Flashcards
The allocation of scarce resources to provide for unlimited human wants
Ceteris paribus
All other things being equal
Positive statement
Based on facts which can be tested as true or false and are value-free
Normative statement
Based on vaue judgements which cannot be tested as true or false
The basic economic problem
How scarce resources can be used to satisfied people’s infinite wants as effectively as possible
Opportunity cost
The value of the next best alternative forgone
Factors of production. Inputs used in the productio of goods and services. Finite and can be classified into four types: land, labour, capital, enterprise
Renewable resources
A resource whose stock can be replenished naturally over a period of time
Non-renewable resources
A resource whose stock DECREASES over time as it is consumed
Consumer goods
Good such as chocolate bar
DIRECTLY provides utility for consumers
It is wanted for the satisfaction that it gives
Captial goods
Goods that can be USED to MAKE consumer goods or services. It is not wanted for its own sake, but rather for the CONSUMER GOODS and SERVICES that it can produce
MAXIMUM POTENTIAL OUTPUT of a combination of goods in an economy when all its resources are FULLY AND EFFICIENTLY used, gven the current state of TECHNOLOGY
Law of diminishing returns
As successive units of a goods are consumed, the utility gained from each EXTRA unit will fall
The CONCENTRATION on the production of a limited range of goods or services.
These goods or services can be traded for other goods and services provided by other countries
Division of labour
The specialization of workers on specific tasks in the production process
Output per worker per hour
Difference between increase in TOTAL PRODUCTION COST and increase in COST PER UNIT OF OUTPUT
Specialization –> INCREASE IN TOTAL PRODUCTION COST. As output increases, requiring more raw materials and machinery.
However, specialization –> REDUCTION IN COST PER UNIT OF OUTPUT - workers become more productive
Free market economy
Allocate resources based on demand and supply and the price mechanism.
Minimum government intervention
Associated with writing of Adam Smith and Friedrick Hayek
Command economy
Public ownership of resources.
Government decide how resources should be allocated.
Karl Marx - resources should be directed on the basis of human need rather than profti
Mixed economy
Some resources are privately owned and some publicly owned.
John Maynard Keynes
Advantages of free market economy
Lower prices and economic efficiency
Greater choices of products
Quality of products
Incentives for entrepreneurs and labour
Disadvantages of free economy
Greater income gaps
External costs and benefits
Information gap
Insufficient quantity of public and merit goods
Erratic swing of business cycles –> high inflation during boom. High unemployment during slump