the nature of crime Flashcards
meaning of crime
act or omission that describes unlawful activites against communities or victims; punishable by the state and made a crime by legislators
the elements of crime
actus reus - act
mens rea - guilty mind
strict liability offences
only actus reus needs to be proved e.g. speeding
prove sufficient evidence of a cause and effect relationship between actions of accused and harm for victim
summary + indictable offences
summary - minor, heard + decided in local court by magistrate
Laid by police prosecutor/gov office
indictable - serious, heard + decided by judge + jury in district or supreme
Brought by public prosecutor
parties to a crime
principal in the first degree
principal in the second degree
accessory before the fact
accessory after the fact
factors affecting criminal behaviour
self interest
situational + social crime prevention
short term, increase difficulty to commit crime,
increase effort in offending + risk associated
e.g. improving alarms
long term, address systemic prblems which lead to criminal activity
e.g. improving edu.
8 categories of crime
- offences against the person
- offences against the sovereign
- economic offences
- drug offences
- driving offences
- public order offences
- preliminary offences
- regulatory offences